
Why Called Coconuts...?

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Why is it called a coconut if there is no cocoa in it? Honestly. It's so random. The coloring?




  1. well, its genes, or family is refererred to, in scientific terms as "the cocos" and the term 'coconut' refers to the fruit of the coconut palm. and a coconut is considered a nut, so that is where the part 'nut' from 'coconut' comes from, hope i helped!!!

  2. why do u CARE?

  3. [Portuguese côco, grinning skull, goblin, coconut (probably from Late Latin coccum, shell; see  cocoon) + nut.

  4. Why call a p***s a c**k is it has no chicken in it?


    Honestly, sorry i couldn't explain to you why!

  5. From Wikipedia:

    "When viewed on end, the endocarp and germination pores give the fruit the appearance of a coco (also Côca), a Portuguese word for a scary witch from Portuguese folklore, that used to be represented as a carved vegetable lantern, hence the name of the fruit.[6] The specific name nucifera is Latin for nut-bearing."

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