
Why Can't I Sleep ???????

by  |  earlier

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I just can't sleep. l'll try to go to fall asleep but im just wide awake! Sometimes it's so bad that im awake till like the next day and i dont feel sleepy during the day so basically i didnt sleep AT ALL. I try to avoid stuff with caffine a before i sleep and all that, i tried reading a book and changing my positon that i sleep in but nothing seems to work! helppp ?????!!!!!!!!!




  1. Try not to eat after say 7pm, 8pm at the latest. Having a warm bath or shower before bed can help lower your body temp a half degree which is a normal occurrence telling your brain to trigger the sleep patterns.

    Make sure your bedroom is completely free of light, any small portion can keep you awake. Try turning off your mobile too, although it's not really proven, having a mobile nearby can be stimulating your brain. Exercise beyond your normal daily activities can help too.

    Also just make sure you have a regular pattern, try to get in to bed the same time every night, and wake up the same time every morning.

  2. hmmm maybe talk to your friends or watch TV. or simply email me, i'll accompany you if thats ok

  3. Drink Coffee  

  4. you say your not sleepy and not tired so dont worry too much about it,if you feel its becoming a problem go to your doctor

  5. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are obvious recommendations.

    If you've already got those down, try controlling your body clock by keeping regular sleep times. By this I mean go to bed at the exact same time every night, and wake up at the exact same time every morning.

    Another thing you could try is listening to music. You have to figure out what type of music is right for you though, some might make it harder for you to sleep.

  6. Maybe you have too much on your mind.

    Try a relaxing bath, also turn off anything that may cause noise such as a computer, these can hinder your ability to concentrate on your sleep.

  7. 1. Something bothering you in mind?

    2. Your room is stuffy / bad circulation of air ?

    3. You sleep with any pictures or overhead objects directly above you?

    4. You had very heavy dinner?

    5. You watched thrilled / action packed movies before you sleep?

    6. Your bed / mattress is uncomfortable?

    7. Your pillows too high?

    Other Suggestion:

    1. Take a glass of cold / warm milk before you sleep. It helps!

    2. Relax and stop worrying about your backlogs at jobs,etc and anything that bothers you.

    3. Before you fall asleep, just have this thought in mind: It is ok if  dont wake up the next morning due to what ever reason because I have lived my life to the fullest. Thank God.

    Happy Trying and May You Have Sweet Sweet Dreams in the Nights to come.

  8. they more you try the less you will sleep.

    I used to be like you  but now i just dont bother trying to sleep, i just stay up until im sleepy.  sometime i only get a few hours a night.

    if this is a longterm problem maybe you should tell your GP

    eating lettuce, drinking milk helps.

  9. cos im not next 2 u!

  10. try getting up when the sun rises and walking lots during the day (avoid lifts and escalators, get off bus a few stops early etc).  i was told to do that and since then my sleep has been much better

  11. Listen to Alan Shearer on Match Of The Day you'll soon be in a coma.

  12. Hi, hope this works...

    Well first sounds maybe you are thinking of something that keeps your mind busy. I guess you need to relax first.

    Second step... i dont kno if it would work.. with me it does really great. Go to the bathroom and have a nice hot shower... even if you have a tub just fill it and relax in it.

    Once you feel better... just go to bed.  

  13. you have unresolved issues on your mind, once you resolve them you may find that sleep comes naturally.  

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