
Why Can't I help...?

by Guest44929  |  earlier

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Why can't I help being so much better than everybody else? I can't help but being the best! EVERYONE'S JEALOUS BUT IT'S NOT MY FAULT! Why am I so much better than everyone else? SO WHAT IF I'M A SPOILED BEOTCH!




  1. u highlighted ur problem urself

    u consider urself so smart that u can not help anybody even if u wish

    so come out of ur ego

  2. Maybe people are not jealous of you...  make sure that people are not just frustrated because you think you are better than them.  I don't know the situation so I can't be sure though.  But if you are better than others, just remember to be a good sport about it and not flaunt it.

  3. umm, okaaayyy.....

  4. Don't worry about it, I'm assuming you have some growing left to do in your mind to be specific. Don't be offened by this because I intend to say that you need to choose a different instinctual motivation for doing things in life. Despite the fact that jealousy being a powerful emotion makes it easier to achieve perfection, our ultimate goal, jealousy will hurt you in the long run. The fact that you realize this as a problem is pretty good. Its quite weird I know this this because I'm just struggling with this in highschool. Oh well I'm only in grade 10 though hbu? Email me if you want some help...

  5. Just be what you are. Don't worry about others. It is always better to be a premier.

  6. oh great and merciful one . please allow me to give some minutes of my life for you..........


    oh and I don't say that cos I am better than you ... BUT i know a lot of people who are!!!!

  7. this must be a joke

  8. dont think that guyzz

  9. ahahahahaa nice!

    you should step down from your throne and try to make some real friends with your personality [not money etc.]

    although if i had to judge your personality based on this, I'd say you would only get golf playing buddies that weaar pink sweaters.

    either that or youd get friends like me because youre funny and you can do this type of ****.

  10. You are right it isn't your fault and don't feel bad about it. Remember that even though you do better than everyone else don't act like it or you will lose all your friends.

  11. In what ways are you better than everybody else?

    smarter? more money? more possessions? better clothing? member of an affluent family? more things than those?

    I suggest you try to treat the others as equals, if you want them to like you and not be jealous of you.  You shouldn't act like a spoiled ______ if you want their opinions of you to change.  If you have or know so much more than them, why don't you help them out with something?

  12. sound like the beatles comparing themselves to Jebus. Kudos for the confidence, but... I can say with great confidence this statement, this feeling, this fact, whatever it may be is in fact one of the the 3 classic flaws.

    #3 being their is always someone bigger and better than you. If there wasn't what would you have to strive higher for. but hey once again good motivational ball building there, keep up the good work there you.

    give yourself a big stroke buddy.

  13. lame...

  14. what a waste of talent...i do agree with you why can't you help!!!!

  15. OMG I think you are my long lost evil twin that was sent to a loony bin because she was confused and lost in her own world don't worry I still love you.
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