
Why Can't Seven show games live into Meblourne?

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I don't understand why you can't show a interstate came live into Melbourne but show it live into that State. e.g. Sydney take on Essendon from Telstra Stadium, NSW. It is live into whole of Sydeny but delayed into Melbourne.

Seven doesn't care about its viewers.




  1. Regardless of whether it is live or not in Sydney, it wouldn't rate very well in that city.  Sydney is NRL aligned, so the AFL is hardly discussed in the street.

    Delayed or live telecast, the Victorians will watch it regardless.  Good for advertising revenue

  2. Yeah totally peaved with channel 7s coverage, that includes its dodgey camera angles and over in WA theyre showing Bombers and Swans prelimary final from 1996 instead of todays game...??? Duh?

    Fox doesnt show it til 12am.. I'm pissed to say it gently!

  3. 1..They dont care about their viewers.

    2..They are tight as*es

    3...The AFL are worried that thet wont get the attendance if it is also shown live..

    4..It gives them time to show matches that are bloody 12 years old..I am sitting here watching prelim final from 1996-go figure

  4. From what I understand, Channel 7 are doing that so it leads into the 6 o'clock news because they feel that once the game ends, the viewers will stick around for the news whereas they won't care if the game ends at 5 o'clock.

    Give it back to Channel 9... At least they always showed one Sunday game live.

  5. I hate seven coveragee

    they are absolutely shitttt

    mann they cant even show you a  bit of wat happens in the changerooms and wenn the winning side sings there theme songg

    farkkkkkk get rid of sevens coverage and give it alll to channel tennn

  6. It is probably written into the contract between the AFL and their broadcast networks.

    I think it has got something to do with getting crowds to attend games. Same thing happens when there are games played in Tassie.

    In the 1990's in Tassie our local networks were under a ruling from our local TFL that prevented AFL games being telecast prior to 4:30 on a Saturday. This was an attempt to get people up off the couch and on the seats at local footy matches.

  7. They can  but choose not to do so.

    In WA they set it to coincide withe the 6:00 pm news - hoping viewers will stay with the channel. They generally do so as not to hear the results from other channels.

    Plus by not being live they can put more ads in during the quarters, prolong the 1/4, 1/2 & 3/4 breaks - for more ads.

    You're right C7's top priority isn't with the viewers.

  8. same thing happens in adelaide

    home games for both teams are 30min delay

    even though port cant fill aami

    also FOXTEL has a say

    ABC has 3 channels

  9. Telstra especially is worried about its gate take, and that is why it's built into the system that Melbourne games aren't televised live - obvious exception Anzac Day. Which leads to programming on Ch 7 and Ch 10 that fits around their regular sports programs which finish in time for people to have lunch then settle down to watch the footy afterwards hence the delayed matches.

    Essendon's number of Sunday games this year, not all of which members can get to, is annoying, especially when the programming is messed up as you say.


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