
Why Can't We bring Mothballed Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carriers and Submarines On-line for Power Production?

by Guest33608  |  earlier

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We need power.. Nuclear Power.. what's to keep us from re-activating mothballed nuclear fleet vessels?




  1. Pat is mostly correct.  The only vessels with big enough reactors to make enough power would be carriers, and those are all stilll in service, with Enterprise the oldest.  Her plants are too small (trust me, I ran the prototype in ID Falls, ID in the early 90's).  The Nimitz class make enough power, but as Nomadd states, most is used for propulsion.  If you could remove the propulsion turbines, and replace with additional Ship Service Turbine Generators on a larger scale, you could make a ton of useful electricity, but that would require probably billions to do, plus you now have to find a permanent home for this carrier that 90% of it is not being utilized anymore, etc. etc.

    The logistics of such a venture would most likely cost nearly as much as just building a new plant.

    The most promising new nuclear power will come from the plans to have several civilian designs that are pre-approved, from which the large power producers can pick from and get a "fast track" approval to build them.

    We also have to educate the general population on the safe track record of nuclear power, and get rid of the sensationalism put out there by Hollywood and the "green" movement that creates fear among the general population regarding nuclear power.

  2. One of the main reasons they get mothballed is because their fuel is exhausted, their reactors are in need of overhauls and it costs a fortune to refuel and refurbish them for another 25 years or so. And they don't put out nearly enough electrical power to be worth running anyhow. Most of them use the heat to run steam turbines that power the ships directly.

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