
Why Can't beef jerky be brought over to the US from Vietnam?

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So I am currently in Vietnam and would like to bring some beef jerky over, but people are telling me that it is not allowed, but you dried squid is allowed(very similar to beef jerky but squid instead).

So question is Can you actually bring beef jerky to the US

If not why can't you?




  1. Its not just Jerky, its any fruit and vegetables too.

    This is not a US-Vietnam issue, its just FDA regulations.

  2. Because of the threat of spreading mad cow disease between countries. Many countries restrict any and all products of beef, even if it is already cooked/processed.

  3. The US FDA have strict rules on imports of meat and meat products so you can 't bring in. Other countries like Australia and NZ have similar rules.

  4. Hoof and mouth disease is one of the fears. Actually no meat products are allowed to be brought into the US, among other things.

  5. Anyway, we should follow the regulations. When I first arrive in the US via Los Angeles Int'l Airport there was a checkpoint for agricultural and food products. They were very strict at those things brought from foreign countries. If you want to buy Vietnamese food, pay a visit to Vietnamese markets or shops in many Vietnamese communities in the US.

  6. I'll tell you another reason for not bringing Vietnamese beef to the U.S. and my reason has nothing to do with U.S. customs laws.

    Vietnamese beef SUCKS. I ate the worst hamburger I ever had in Vietnam. This hamburger was not served from one of those Lotteria fast food places either. This came from a high class restaurant in Saigon who were very proud to claim they served the best American food in all of Vietnam. I don't even want to imagine what a dried up piece of water buffalo meat that had traveled in the bottom of a suitcase for 10,000 miles would taste like after you unpacked it.

    My opinion: Eat the beef there while it is boiling in a bowl of pho, mix it with some vegetables and rice, but don't dry it up and take it back to the U.S. with you. Trust me - It's not worth going to jail over let alone dealing with the belly ache you will receive after eating something similar to rotting shoe leather.

  7. This law was in effect event before Mad cow. The US Cattleman Association is a very strong union, that had lobbied for law against foreign competitions.  It illegal to bring not only beef but also pork, chicken, goat... any consumable meats in from over sea.  If you are caught, the fines are high. If you are not a US resident you could be barred from entry.

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