
Why Canada Should Stay In Afghanistan?

by  |  earlier

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your government is going to turn tail and run just like the spanish did in iraq???? gee thanks for your support and your help. you've lost 77, and we have lost how many??? typical "ally", when things start getting tough, pull out, tuck your tail between your legs and run. and people wonder why nato isn't getting the job done. not calling you or your countrymen cowards but your government makes then look that way if they pull out because of a few casualties. ask your government this, do people die in a war?? do people get injured??? if your government is so worried about casualties, maybe your government should tell nato to remove the constraints on the troops and actually let them go on the hunt and get rid of these vermin once and for all.

We have 12500 troops, you have only 2500 and you can't even take care of yourselves.

Finish what you start........otherwise what the h**l was the point!?




  1. We elect our Gov'ts to act in our best interests. When they aren't seen to be doing that, we elect a different one the next chance we get. As citizens, that's what we do.

    Deciding whether to go to Afghanistan or not or whether to withdraw or not must involve crunching the potential outcomes and comparing the losses...... using data that we citizens don't really have access to. So who am I, asa  mere citizen to start dictating our country's foreign policies from the comfort of my armchair.

    I support the Australian Troops in Afghanistan because I know that they are doing what they do for my ultimate benefit, even if I don't have a firm understanding of what that benefit is. We should thank them all and be very grateful, and I hope that they can come home to their families soon.


    F*CK OFF!

  3. Canada probably did not get a decent cut of the petroleum pipes and they are pissed.

  4. um, Canada wasn't attacked on 9/11 so I don't see why they ever went to Afghanistan in the first place, not that it did any good in the first place

  5. no one here is talking about pulling out...try to learn facts before you shoot your mouth off a**hole

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