
Why Canada has that name?

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Why Canada has that name?




  1. The origin of the name "Canada" comes from the expedition of explorer Jacques Cartier up the St. Lawrence River in 1535. The Iroquois pointing out the route to the village of Stadacona, the future site of Quebec City, used the word "kanata," the Huron-Iroquois word for village. Jacques Cartier used the word Canada to refer to both the settlement of Stadacona and the land surrounding it subject to Chief Donnacona.

  2. I thought it was because when the Europeans asked the natives people "where is this place?", the first nations thought that they were asking "who is your leader", so they said "Kanada", (or in some versions of the story) "Kanata".

  3. Like many other North American words, Canada comes from the natives who called their land Kanata.

  4. It came from the word Kanata, an Iroquoian word meaning settlement or village.

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