
Why Cant I Hold My Food Down?

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for the past week whenever i finishing eating i gag uncontrollably..i dont even have to get full and it just feels as if im gonna throw up! i ate one piece of candy earlier and got sick from it....any ideas?




  1. I don't have a complete answer for you other than to call your doctor.

    But stay away from sugary things. When throwing up or just gagging things with sugar in them are a terrible choice to eat. Try eating something very bland and basic first. Oatmeal is a good way to go.

  2. stomach flu

  3. you pro bally have a condition called ACID REFLEX.. your dr. can give u a med. that really works to treat this issue. Until you get there, get over counter acid pills. got mine at dollar store. these work by controlling the excess acid produced in you esophagus(stomach coming up to your throat) they really help. google acid reflex and your see symptoms like you describe. if you have no dollar store, go to a walmart to get over counter med to control you acid prob. hope this helps you god luck!

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