
Why Cant I stop thinking about Pregnancy.. Is this normal??

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I just started my freshmen year in College Monday.. I am 18 years old and for the past 2 weeks I havent stopped thinking about having a baby and pregnancy its self. I currently dont have a boyfriend or anything like that. I am way to busy for a kid. I dont have a job not to mention I have my whole life ahead of me.. and yettt I cannot stop thinking about it.

Is this normal?? Or is this some kind of psychological Hormonal thing my body is going through...




  1. Yes it's normal.  I went through the same thing.  Just make sure you don't get pregnant.  You have the rest of your life ahead of you.

  2. It;s probably a response to starting college... starting a new chapter of your life and either being on your own for the first time or at least feeling like an adult.  It brings about the idea of grown up things like careers, marriage and babies.  Plus, the stress of starting a new school can throw you hormones into a tizzy.  I would bet in a couple of months when you are in a routine, you won't find this on your mind so much.

  3. yes it is normal don't listen to anyone who says it isn't it's human instinct it's called being baby hungry it happens to me all the time and I know that I'm not ready but just remember if it not ready for one don't have one finish school first then get a job. And then can spoil your baby and not having to.worry about child protective services taking it away cause u can't afford it  

  4. is any one close to you pregnant? or maybe you had a dream? i think its just a faze. after all you are a women and our biological clocks tick even though you are only 18 you are probably just anxious to get through college and do the whole get married and have a baby thing!

  5. it's not normal -it's call obsessing.  use condoms & see a counselor.  find a more productive outlet for yourself.

  6. A lot of people want kids, you have got the baby crave.  It dosent really go away but you will be a good mom some day!

  7. its normal. it will go away.

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