
Why Cant i Dream I won the Lotto?

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a few weeks ago i had a dream that i had cancer on my left breast i wake up to feel a lump on my left breast.....what are the odds of this happening ....Really ..

any thoughts sidekicks?

fleas are far from my mind at this time...




  1. if you feel a lump on you're breast you

    get it checked out as soon as,

    it may turn out to be nothing but don't

    mess about and see a doctor,

    i wish you well lulu.

  2. Well d**n it, that could suck!!

    Can't say any of my dreams have ever came true but I'm hopeful!!

    How ya doin lulu?? BTW... I got my ---> . <--woohoo!!

    It's a PERIOD haha

  3. The odds are crazy low of that happening.  What other dreams have you had that have come true?

  4. I was going to say something funny like, hey the lump WAS your nipple...  but I won't  :)

    As Wildflower mentioned, most of the time the lumps are benign, little cysts that the body produces to scare the sh*t out of us.   I know what your going through right now, so don't borrow trouble...  I know... easier said than done.  Think positive, hope that it's just a blimp, until you get it checked out by your doctor.

    Pure Evil has her ---> . <--woohoo  - this to can change the breast tissue structure for a few days due to hormones produced during ovulation.

    Hey, maybe tonite you can dream of winning the lottery.

  5. Lets see if you win the lottery then you pay for the party right?

    Hi Pure long time no see. Glad you got your (....) What ever that means.

    Misty I think Lulu is hinting a breast exam. Any volunteers?

  6. as everyone above me said so clearlly...^^^^^^^^

    check urself out, maybe it is nothing but at least u won't stresurself out

  7. Verdugo: becasuse its my dream already! can you tell that I didn't read your question?.. LOL. have a great day lulu SOme one took a big bite out a you

  8. When you dreamed about it you probably where already feeling something, and in your dream you interpreted it that way, it doesn't mean anything it's probably just a regular lump, but if you feel you want to have it checked out that's fine, the odds are no different than anyone else.

  9. Wow, Lulu... we just talked about this possibility not long ago.. I truly feel your body was trying to tell you something in your dream... there are many reasons why women would get a lump in their breast, but yes, you are wise to go to the dr. and let them check it out.  

    Here's some info for you, because I'm the type that likes to do research while waiting for the drs appt, I feel stronger when I know what I'm facing and am prepared for anything..

    "Don't panic. Eighty percent of all breast lumps are benign, which means they're not cancerous. Benign breast lumps usually have smooth edges and can be moved slightly when you push against them. They are often found in both b*****s."

    What to do when you find a lump:

    Lulu - my thoughts and prayers are with you..  please let us know when you know what it is that you are dealing with...  I'm not trying to get all up in your business, but I care.. if you would be willing to describe the lump, I might be able to find more specific info for you... such as, does it move when you push at it (gently), does it hurt, does  it feel like a hard object (rock) or kinda firm but squishy ...  also, check under your arm, feel around and the nodes on your throat, are they swollen ?  sensitive?  I'm guessing it'll be Monday before you call for an appt?  Try to get seen ASAP even if you need to go into an urgent / prompt care.. it's likely not anything that is an emergency, but in case it is or just to set your mind at ease, it's best to be seen as soon as possible.

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