
Why Cern... black hole?

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I dont understand why did they make cern and black hole?




  1. Don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen.

    It's all a bunch of hooey from people who don't know what they are talking about. They did the same for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the RHIC has been in operation for over a decade.

    As with all high-energy experiments, CERN has been under intense scrutiny to ensure every step is taken to safeguard against any catastrophic accident.

    While some skeptics think there is a possibility of creating micro-black holes, the chances are extremely remote and even if it happened, they would be smaller than a proton, so small they would either evaporate immediately by Hawking Radiation before they could accrete any matter, or would pass through the Earth without hitting anything.

    All we know now is how some things work, but in most cases, not why. There is a lot more at play at the quantum level than we can comprehend, maybe forever. However, when the LHC goes into operation perhaps we will take a massive step in understanding the Universe.

    Among many goals, physicists are trying to verify the existence of the Higgs boson, which is believed to be the mechanism that gives matter mass, one of the big puzzles in physics.

    Think of how much scientific research led directly to advancements in medicine, agriculture, aeronautics, chemistry, ecology, mechanics, meteorology, and countless other achievements that saves lives and make life easier, not to mention the ability for us to communicate like this.

    Also remember, many, many discoveries were the result of accidental discoveries and serendipity. We (mankind) are very adept at linking apparently innocuous facts to reach valuable conclusions.

    Although the energy achieved by the particle beams sounds immense, particles hit the atmosphere every day which are much more energetic. On October 15, 1991, the Fly's Eye in Utah detected a proton (called the Oh My God particle) with an energy of 3.2e20 eV. By comparison, the LHC will collide streams of protons at 7e12 eV each, 20 million times less.

    The energy of the OMG particle was about 51joules, which is about the energy of a baseball thrown at 60 kph. 7e12 eV particles are only about 1.12e-6 joules.

    Besides, do you think all the scientists who work at CERN would risk their lives, and the lives of their families?

  2. A black hole is a super dense collection of matter that is so closely packed that not even light can escape its gravity. Cern is a scientific organization that has recently built the worlds Larges Hadron Collider. The LHC will soon begin testing the makeup of subatomic particles to better understand the universe around us. Hypothetically, the LHC might produce tiny tiny black holes as massive as an atom. This probably won't happen, but hopefully it will so we can learn more about black holes. However, some less scientifically literate individuals have tried to keep the LHC from going operational because they watched to many science fiction shows and think all black holes are torrents of death that will destroy the Earth. In reality the black holes will evaporate very quickly.

  3. even i don't get this

  4. The physicists at CERN are trying to explore particle physics.

    Since most of what they are doing is basic research, your guess is as good as theirs as far as what they are looking for!

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