
Why Channel 7 Coverage of the Olympics SUCK???

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OMG - Watching the Olympics on Channel 7 has been a most painful experience. Between Joanna Griggs and the multiple stuff ups you guys have made. The last straw was when you decided in all your ultimate knowledge to switch to the Channel 7 news in Brisbane at the expense of the Gold Medal basketball game. Aaaaaghhhhh?????

Also what was with switching to the Grant Hackett interview at the expense of the Australian Water polo match last week.,again in the last crucial minutes??????????? What about friends or family members of both those teams watching the game that day. Grant Hackett as super fantastic as he is had had his day in the sun, surely his interview could have been repeated. Who makes these absolutely stupid decisions???????? Can guarantee if Australia had been playing in the gold medal game there would have been no switch to the news??? A Gold medal match is a Gold medal match no matter who is playing. Channel 7 news simply told us what we have been hearing all day anyway in the lead ups. Not to mention the events that you have tried to pawn off as being live when everyone knows they are delayed telecasts. You treat the public like idiots.

Also next time, if you do get London which I hope you don't, during events please include at the bottom of the screen if it is a heat or a final, not much to ask. Thank goodness we have seen the last of Yum Cha as well.

Good job 7 - NOT!!! This may not be the place to voice my opinion like this but given your site is not user friendly and doesn't allow access to head office via email easily this is the only option.




  1. I am particaularly pissed out at the lack of Heavyweight and Super Heavyweight boxing they showed.

    I am also pissed off at the Bias judges awarding points to the Chinese because of the crowd noise etc.

    The Chinese cheat, and they do not deserve to have won this olympics.  Its disgraceful and this has been the most uninteresting olympics i have watched because of this.


    Grant Hackett should have got GOLD.  The Tunisian muslim or whatever scum who beat him is a proven drug cheat, yet they let him back into the sport.  Once a cheat always a cheat.  Its pathetic.

    Grant Hackett, your a bloody legend, you won Gold mate.  I hope the b*****d that beat you chokes on something or dies in a plane crash.

  2. Yes, I agree with everything you've said.

    You haven't left much for me to say.

    It was a terrible coverage, the worst I've ever had to suffer through.

    At least we know what they'll be showing next week after the Olympics...because they've shown us over and over and over again.

  3. you're right 100%...i think i can handle all the ads on the gold medal basketball game and then they did the unthinkable cut off the match and just show the highlight only after the newss....they just greedy bunch of (@)*)&%$%$ there any blog or forum to voice this!!! coz i don't want to use or watch ch7 anymore...

  4. I KNOW!! I was just watching Rhythmic Gymnastics and in the middle of a routine they go straight to ads! We don't CARE if we can get pain relief faster by Advil tablets than Nurefon or how RED Red Rooster Is to China!!! I mean, Guve us a BREAK PLEASE!!

    We will be watching the closing ceremony and be halfway through when - Libby Tricket uses a Lenovo ThinkPad! - WHO CARES!!!

  5. By: vickieandkim

    0 seconds ago

    Re:Channel 7 - Worst Olympics Ever (PREVIEW)  

    i totally agree...  this was the worst coverage one could imagine... channel 7 and their supposed 'commentators' have totally stuffed this olympics for the viewers at home...

    also, what happened at the closing ceremony??? try as i might i could NOT see our aussie flag and it's bearer anywhere... i would have throught that having done such a wonderful job she (and our flag) would have commanded some sort of acknowledgement... many other countries were given much attention... in the replay today (monday) there were a few comments about step rice but there was NOTHING at the actual closing ceremony... did i miss it or what?

    absolutely disgusted with this coverage and the ridiculous spin on 'yum cha'... actually found this offensive... bring back roy and hg... get rid of this kockie, smel, brat, goanna and that stupid female version of freddie kruger's counterpart 'sonja'... all dipsticks supreme...

    i also thought it would have been really 'polite' to have captions at the opening ceremony where language / hearing barriers would prevent some viewers (me :-) from getting a full understanding of what was going on...  




  6. Couldn't agree more. I spent most of the time watching SBS, because channel 7 proved to be too frustrating to watch.

  7. 7 Know they suck and they are most probably so pathetic on purpose that is why they dont need to be emailed to be told they are the crappest olympic broadcasters in the world

    their coverage has been absurd

  8. I'm so sick of the Bogan pride on show on Ch7. I actually went for whoever that came up against the aussies so Ch7 can stop it's thoughtless display of bogan pride.

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