
Why Chinese think language / culture are important, and Americans think "your face" races are important?

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Is it because China is thousands of years old, and has grown out of judging people by their looks and skin, while Americans, being a young nation of a few hundred years old, is still acting childish????




  1. I think you are mistaken and wrong to say America because not everyone IN AMERICA thinks about race and  as well as not all chinese leaders think about language and culture. But what's the difference most people from a different culture speak a different language because they are a different race. Sounds about equal when you find a way to discriminate.

  2. If the Chinese government thought language and culture was that important then why does it so willingly destroy old cultral landmarks in order to build obscenely large skyscrapers and buildings in order to look modern for the olympics, and why is it h**l bent on breeding the Uyghur and the Tibetians out of existence.

    Your jingoism blinds you to the actions of your government.

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