
Why Chávez want a war whith Colombia?

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Maby we can´t to limit your Oil and her petroleum? Please answer me to Bogotá. Thank You. I am aTeacher and I want to Know the United States.




  1. I'm south american......and respect all the countries in south america, and also should like to see all south america united.

    But not in the way that crazy guy Hugo Chavez is trying.

    I support the democracy....not the authoritarism......and that guy doesnt respect anyone. Chavez doesnt respect who think in a different way than him.

    He is in the way to become the 2nd Fidel in America.

    I dont want more dictators in South America. We already had enough in the 70's.

    That guy is out of his mind... and a potential danger for all of us.

    I cant support a guy like that..

    BTW...........I dont like Bush either...he is a murder.

  2. Hugo Chavez does not want a war, he wants unity.

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