
Why Criticism Against Obese Who Try To Lose Weight?

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Why do people poke fun at fat people who are walking, jogging, or obviously trying to lose weight. When I see a person that means that they are trying, and it's obviously more difficult for them than an average person, and at least they are trying....

So why is there open criticism????




  1. People are mean.  

  2. i don't do that. i only make fun of the ones sitting around eating potato chips

  3. because fat people are one of the last groups of people you can discriminate against acceptably... society sets the standard... even if it does suck

  4. I don't know why.  I have been picked on all my life because of my weight, I didn't find out until my early adult-hood it was because of a gland problem.  I have started to lose weight recently (50 pounds so far), and I know that it takes a lot of determination and hard work to get there.  I can't say why people pick on and ridicule overweight people (my family even did it to me), I think it's to cover up insecurities they have in themselves really.  And the need to openly hurt what is different.

  5. It makes them feel superior, but also it is society. That's funny now! (as sick as that is) Look at how many sitcoms poke fun at fat people, and esp. when they know they need to loose weight. Point out one show where they have an overweight person that isn't the butt of the joke. Yea, it's wrong, but people are uneducated jerks half the time.  

  6. I asked this same question to my roommate (who thinks he is a model, but instead is just a self obsessed a$$hole) when he made fun of the people on the Biggest Loser show. He said that he thinks it's stupid to praise the person who allowed themselves to get that big in the first place. I don't agree, but I thought I would share his point of view.

    Personally, I think it just goes to show how insecure he is and I told him that too! He responded with "whatever" and went upstairs. I think I hit a soft spot... :o)

  7. I've never been overweight so I don't know what it feels like to be in their shoes, but my first response is "way to go!!!!!!!!!!!"  

    We must encourage those who are trying to change their lives.  It's the human thing to do.

  8. Because they are rude and insensitve, and have never dealt with a weight problem themselves. I was walking one day and some teenagers yelled out the window and called me a fat cow, or whatever it was. I guess they just do it for fun, or to impress their friends, but boy would I have loved to squish him with my big fat cow butt. :) What comes around goes around, and one day, he'll be the one being called names.  

  9. they like to discourage and keep ppl down

  10. Some people are so pathetic that they will pick on people to make themselves feel better.  As a former obese man (used to way 309lbs, now weight about 200lbs) I know what this is like.  It used to really get to me but I learned that these people are trying to discourage me so I use their behavior as motivation to keep on going, to prove them wrong.

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