
Why Derek Fisher was not in USA Olympic Team??

by  |  earlier

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I'm very new basketball watcher and no nothing much.

please explain why?




  1. lol... Laker bandwagoners

  2. he didn't pass the mustard

  3. Because he's not good enough. And he's old.  

  4. Derek Fisher daughter is suffering from a grave illness, Its the reason why he moved to Los Angeles....

  5. too old!

  6. Derek Fisher is a good solid Point Guard, but the US has some best Point Guards i nthe owrld and 3 of them made the team

    PG  Kidd, Jason  

    PG  Williams, Deron  

    PG 13 USA  Paul, Chris

    Kidd is a future HAll of Famer and Paul & Williams are up and coming Superstars, no room for a solid good player liker Fisher.


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