
Why Did England do s-hit at the eurovision?

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tell me why





  1. I gave up watching it years ago. it is not a musical contest but a political popularity show

  2. First, Pablo we are a member of the Common market and our broadcasting company,the BBC puts the biggest

    slice of money into the Eurovision, fixed,contest by the

    sum of £173,000 a year.Germany,France and the UK

    keep this stupid show going and if we pulled out plus the above mentioned lots more would fallow our lead and

    the so called Eurovision contest would fold,kaput,gone no

    more shite program.

  3. UK  is not part of the common market or EURO ..because they are SOVEREIGN COUNTRY and don't want to open up their border like the EURO Countries...

  4. because they delibrately enter a s**t song, eurovision music is rank, I would be embarassed if we won!

  5. its really not important - the money spent on funding this 'competition' could be spent on something important, when did this debacle ever move music forward or produce something worthwhile, with the possible exception of ABBA?

  6. Because despite producing some of the greatest pop music in the world, nobody worth a light is willing to enter Eurosong, only mediocre dross is put forward.  To say Andy Abrahms' song was the best of a bad lot is a kindness it probably doesn't deserve.

    Ireland has the same problem, we've been putting forward sh*te entries for years.  This years entry wasn't bad, Dustin is actually a national icon in Ireland but unfortunately, the problem with an in joke is it takes too long to explain & most people appear to think it was an insult.

  7. Because the song sucked! Also with the advent of telephone voting countries on the periphery will do less well because they are not as likely to be voted for by their neighbours.

    Ireland has had the same problem for years.

  8. because the euro-vision song contest IS NO longer about finding a common unity with music & is more of a POLITICAL FOOTBALL.

    to make politically motivated statements with their neighbour countries, at the expense of who they deem unworthy.

    it's original meaning is now lost to any country in western europe.

    we're out of the loop & every year we persist in trying will be another year humiliated by our east european so-called friends!

    we ( the UK ) should back out now.

  9. There is more competition now that the Europe is spreading across the world so to speak.

    But here in the UK a number of people think it is political, which I think so too. All the Eastern Block countries are voting for each other. Most of those songs were absolute drivel and I think they all thought they were at a circus event.

    At one time, it was just for the best song in the competition but it has changed so much.

    Reckon, we should pull out of the Euro-vision and leave it to new Europe to battle it out.

    Personally I don't know why we are letting all these countries into the EU.

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