
Why Did France Change It's Currency?

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I am doing a project on France and i was wondering if anyone knew why France changed it's currency. I know it used to be franks before. I have tried google but it comes up with something else. plz could someone help me thank you!!??




  1. they changed currency to the euro because it was easier for the tourists, i think something like 15 other countries changed currency because of the hassle of changing currency every time they changed countries

  2. France is now part of the European Union, so they share the same currency (the Euro) with other members, such as Germany and Italy.

  3. Because they wanted a single European currency so international transactions would be easy in most EU nations although all EU nations didn't change.

  4. They are a bunch of surrender monkeys and just like they bowed to the Germans in dubya dubya two they bowed to the EU and adopted the Euro.

  5. Because of the European Union.  Basically they want to be more competitive with the United States, and it is working.

  6. we have euro since 2001 in our pokets, but took place in 1999. that currency took place in France, spain, portugal, germany, italia, ireland, austria, finland, sweden , grece and benelux (belgium, netherland, luxembourg) and in slovenia since 2006 or 2007( i don't remember).

  7. Because now, all the european countries have the same money, so we can go to italy or germany without having to change our money. This money is called the euros. And now, our euro is stronger than your dollars. So we can go to America and buy a lot of stuff coz it's SO cheap over there. Now America is like a third world country for us europeans. that's so cool.

  8. Because france joined the european union and all the countries that joined the european union had to change their currency to euros.

  9. Several countries in the EU have adopted the Euro (€) instead of their original currency.

  10. that's Francs.

    And they changed it with the rest of Europe, except a few, to the Euro.

    The 10 F bill had the Little Prince on it. I brought one back cause I knew they were changing.

    You seem to have a long way to go with that report.

  11. Because it was the next step in the European Union integration, to have a single currency. Plenty of countries left their own currency to start using Euros (not without tears).

    And it is Franc, not Frank.

    Try googling European Union change to Euro, you will probably get answers.

  12. people were losing money because of the different money currencees so many countries in eurpoe came up with the euros and one way or another thay ended up saving a bunch of money

  13. they changed it for the euro, the euro is the common currency of the european union. Doing that made europe's economy stronger, but the French economy is still dragging behind.

  14. Because they joined the European Union, and the Union decided as a whole to have the same currency- the euro- to simplify trade between the member nations.

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