
Why Did Harbhajan Slap On Sreesanth?

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Why Did Harbhajan Slap On Sreesanth?




  1. because shreesanth told him that you are in your home ground yet you cant win VS us.

  2. Maybe Sreesanth is a better dancer than Harbhajan and Sree reminded Bhajji about that at a wrong time.

  3. It must be 12 noon at that time.

  4. Who cares!? Is there nothing better to talk about??

  5. Becausehe is a bad tempered unstable git! I just wish Sree had given him a kick in the cojones in return.

  6. why can't you learn grammar....

  7. Only Harbhajan knows why. What exactly Sree said and in what tone.

    We can only make up stories around it. But the slap proved Bhajji very costly.

  8. bcause bhaji s feeling as sree kidded him

  9. because he's bhaji

  10. because shrisant  jelsious harbhajan

  11. After Bombay Indians lost the match against Kings XI Punjab, Sreesant had reportedly told Harbhajan "Hard Luck".  Harbhajan was totally upset about the defeat. When he heard the remark of Sreesant, he lost his control and slapped Sreesant.

  12. 'Cos Bhaji can't help himself.  Even when he is offered a little sympathy, he still has to act like a spoiled brat and chuck a tanty!

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