
Why Did The Time Change? Why can't it be like the fifty's or the sixty's?

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Okay so I have always wanted to live in the 1950's to the 1960's. Those were awesome times. And plus while reading the awesomely great book The Outsiders I think that I would rather be a greaser but be smart and work my way up. Socs are mean and horrible, the greasers have to work for what they want. What do you think about the whole 1950's?




  1. I think the people who idealized the 50s usually weren't alive then.  Or if they were, they were white men.

    The 50s seem cool until you think about the racist, misogynistic, BS that went on.

  2. The 50's were not nearly as "innocent" a time as they are portrayed to be by popular culture. Plus there weren't as many modern conveniences as we enjoy today.

    The 60's were some of the worst years of this country's history. Plus style sucked.

    I think it's great that you read, and I think that reading is a great way to enjoy aspects of another era without having to actually live in it.

  3. I know a lot of people who remember the 50s as the good old days.  In one aspect they were.  The United States has never seen as economically prosperous times as the 50s.  Despite what many might say about the Reagen years or the 90s.  The reason was that the adults who lived in the 50s had been children in the 30s and then either lived through or fought in WWII.  So they wanted their children to have the economic advantages they did not have.  They also wanted a secure nation and world.  They worked for it very hard.  That is the reason the 50s were such a prosperous time.  They worked real hard.  The problem was, their children would have rather had parents who were less concerned with gaining material things and more concerned with being available and caring parents.  So to protest this they all became hippies and quit wearing underwear in the 60s.  

    There were a lot of positive aspects of the 50s that it would be nice to retain in today's culture.  The underlying engine of the era, the wholesale attempt to secure a better material life through an emphasis on producing, made it a bad period.  

  4. They weren't called Fabulous 50t's for nothing, if i had my way i'd

    contain it and freeze it in a vault forever, they were one of a kind,

    soon as the 60t's hit forget it, but i'm glad it's a lost era, it's my era

    and somethings are better left alone, best music most realistic

    artistic time you name it the fifties had it, no phonies or wannabes,

    everything was the original, everything that follow was imitation, and

    poorly done i might add, the original, the one and only, the best, had

    real romance real talent, not gimmicks, the best simply the best,

    but then ain't the first and original of anything always? . . .

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