
Why Do Americans Drive Auto's When Manuals Are Both Faster And More Eco Friendly.?

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Us Brits mainly drive manual cars (apart from the few who are lazy and can't do the gears) it's always been that way. Manual gearboxes are more economical on the gas milage and also are typically faster (with the biting clutch).

So why Americans drive autos?

Why do they think that autos are more higher up in technology?




  1. Just because they are easier to learn. All drivers ed classes there teach why would they go out and learn manual...especially when most of the cars on the market in the us are also auto. Theres no need for them to learn manual or drive manual.

  2. Because we have evolved from manual transmissions. They are a pain in city traffic, no stupid clutch plates to change, AND we can afford the little extra gas.

  3. So that we can concentrate on the road and drive safer.....

  4. because there dumb.

  5. It's not only Americans. Besides many people do it because autos are simpler to understand.

  6. Simplicity and availability. Manual transmission can be tricky and not every one knows how to handle a clutch. Plus, when you go to buy a new car here in the U.S. the vast majority of what is available at a car dealership is automatic transmission. I tried to buy a Volvo with Manual (about 10 years ago) and I could not get the color I wanted in a manual.

  7. We use the term "automatic" not autos. The word autos means 'cars'.

    We like the automatic gear because it's easier to drive and also more fun. Although my dad has a car with a manual gear shift and he says you feel 'one' with the car with one of those. I don't really know what the point of old-fashioned stuff is anyway.. I am an American living in Europe now..(Norway!) and I have a car with an automatic gear. I don't know how to drive the other kind very well. My husband tried to teach me telling me the same thing that you say..that manual gears are better on gas.

  8. i have both, i'd rather drive my stick  anytime,,,,

  9. I really don't think it has anything to do with laziness. If an automatic transmission is what we learn on, it's tough to change. We have both an automatic and a manual transmission - I've known how to drive both for over 20 years - but I much prefer the auto as driving manual around in traffic is a pain in the butt. It's only good for highway driving, gaining pickup, etc.

  10. It's the way it is.

    Some people are replying very indigently on here, I saw a comment up there somewhere that said "my car has 300+HP so autos must be faster"

    Well I'm sorry to say that if you had 2 identical road cars with any amount of power you care to type, the automatic version will be invariably heavier and less efficient than a skilled driver's left foot.

    It's simply easier and in some ways more relaxing driving an automatic car, though personally I enjoy controlling the car myself, no nanny boxes or over-exited computers to sap power.

  11. If you've ever driven in a U.S. city you'll know that they have intersections every quarter mile.  That would kill a manual, or its clutch, in no time at all.  Oh, and they'd spill their beer if they had to keep changing gear all the time!!!

  12. I can only speak for myself...I can't learn to drive a manual.  Besides, there's enough stuff to be watching out for and doing without having to be worried about when to change gears too.

  13. I drive Auto, I am in UK. I drive auto because it is more relaxing and I enjoy driving more.

  14. Because we are all fat and lazy.  It's really that simple.

  15. It was originally down to cost.  US income and standard of living after the depression was much higher than UK and Europe and gas was cheaper so Americans could afford big cars with automatic transmission.  Automatic transmission has always been seen as a luxury in the UK.

    Currently automatic transmission is up to 20% less efficient than manual in fuel economy terms, but as the technology improves, the difference will reduce.

  16. Intelligence, its too confusing for them

  17. I think its because they have so much driving to do, I guess its easier and more enjoyable driving an auto across the states than having to change gears.

  18. You're not quite correct in your statement. Autos are more fuel efficient in traffic and and steady speed, and many good 4 and 5 speed auto boxes can leave manual boxes standing at the start line.

    I have raced cars fitted with both. Manual:good for Rallying whilst I'll always go for the auto-box on the track.

    It was once true that the old Hydamatic 3 speed auto-box was very fuel inefficient but that has all changed., but the same could be said of the 3 & 4 speed manual boxes of the same era.

  19. Vehicles equiped with Automatic Transmission are much more convenient, especially in urban areas.  I've driven a manual transmission vehichle in a City and I absolutely hate it, stop go, stop go at every light or stop sign, it's inconvenient to pay more attention to switching gears than it is just to throw it in Drive and go.

  20. Actually, automatic transmissions are neither.  Much American driving is done in heavy traffic, where an automatic shift is particularly useful.

  21. That's quite an 'ism' you have there!

    I have an auto, am from England, can drive a manual and have done in the past for many years, I chose an auto because that's what most luxury cars come with.

  22. I hate to say this but i think it's just plain laziness on Americans behalf it also makes it easier to talk on your mobile whilst driving with a auto.

  23. I can only assume you're very young and can't afford a luxury vehicle.  I'm British, have been driving for more than 20 years and now choose an automatic because I can afford a luxury car.  Simple as that.

    ps:  my car has 360bhp so your argument about manuals being faster holds no water.

  24. Manuel is not more economical - autos are. Because the gears shift up and down in sync with the engine.  Whereas when humans gear change there is room for human error and often people do it fractionally too early or too late... (or sometimes very early or very late!)

  25. you answered your own question: we "are lazy" (I personally prefer manual transmissions)

  26. you answered partly your question.. "because of those who are LAZY and CAN'T DO the gears" haha

    But yeah, everyone is just following the 'trend'. makes them look "cool". and most of the cool affordable cars there are automatic, which is easier to drive.

    they think that autos are 'higher up' in technology because, it really is! although not as eco  friendly :(

    oh well. idunno why i tried to answer this question. it's all my opinion though


  27. Americans are very busy people. We need to get our **** done no matter how it's done. Apparently, we don't care about the environment because the U.S.A. causes about a quarter or half of CO2 emissions.

    No time to learn manual, gotta get to work.

  28. Well, I live in Aus and when we walked into Ford and asked about buying a new XR6 Ford Falcon in manual, there would be a 9 month wait, as well as a $4000 extra cost.

    Very few car companies in Aus and probably USA are releasing new cars in manual.

    I guess it hasnt caught on in the UK because they havent figured out a way to make the auto box leak well enough yet, like every other English motor, gearbox or diff.

  29. it's easier to learn how to drive an automatic than it is to learn to drive a manual...i'm personally terrified to drive a manual...

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