
Why Do Appes Like Bananas so much,?

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Why Do Appes Like Bananas so much,?




  1. i dont no they just go monkeys over them haha

    but mostly in APeril hahahaha  

  2. because Bananas have s*x a-peel

  3. Because they go 'bananas' over them. (Horrible joke I know)

    In real life, I don't think apes like bananas as much as television shows them. I think they're just a staple at any zoo since they're pretty healthy for the animals.

  4. i think because that was one the few fruits they could find on the they were soft enough to eat (for baby appes)

  5. Who said?

  6. bc thats what they eat.  

  7. I assume you mean apes, and the simple answer is, they don't.  Most apes and monkeys happily eat any fruit and lots of leaves that exist in their environment.  Banana fruits are originally native to southeast Asia and Australia.  They never grew natively where most apes live.  I have no idea how the monkey + banana thing got started, but it's a purely human construct.  Maybe it came about in circuses with bananas being a cheap, readily available food to give to the captive chimps.  That may not be the exact reason but its probably not far off.

  8. ..??

  9. i dont know but this has nothing to do with animals.  

  10. Why wouldn't they like bananas? Bananas are lovely!

    Jokes apart, they don't only like bananas but all natural food they can find in their natural environment as they are omnivor (eat anything!).

    That of bananas and monkeys is a bit of a myth, like rodents who are supposed to like cheese... I had 5 hamsters and none of them was mad about cheese. They all preferred nuts and seeds.

    Monkeys don't nessasarily like bannanas anymore than any other fruit. They simply like them for the same reasons people do, they're  conveinient, and rather tasty, abundant in thier area.

  11. Hehe - because bananas are appealing!

  12.   They are easy to get and they really taste good.

  13. because they taste good...

  14. Bannanas are probably the sweetest thing in their environment. Chimps and gorillas subsist mostly on leaves and herbs, some of which are rather bitter tasting. The fruit available is usually green and tasteless. Banannas are the most sugary thing available and therefore the equivalent of candy to them. Humans are technically apes as well, but our favorite sweet thing shows the difference between humans and apes. Humans raid bees nests for honey, which is even sweeter than bannanas. Humans are inventive enough to use the smoke from fire to render the bees harmless. Chimps "fish" for termites using crude stick tools, but they aren't intelligent enough to use fire and they stay away from bees. Humans not only eat banannas, they now cultivate them as well.

  15. cuz they are tasty.;...

  16. because the apes are all extreme homosexuals and think of the banana as if it were a p***s

  17. Can't imagine anyother fruit with potassium and lasting energy that would make apes swing from tree to tree.  

  18. That Sounds a little wrong but alrighty then

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