
Why Do Calenders Start With Sunday?

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Is That Only In The US or Around The World?




  1. I always wondered about that too. If it's the christian calendar, it should be the last day. It is on the weekend after all.

  2. cuz Sunday is my brother

  3. both in mexico they start w/ saturday in other countries i am sure they start w/ sunday

  4. It is used only in English speaking countries, for traditional religious reasons (to start the week celebrating the resting day of God in accordance with Genesis) and by Hebrews (is the first working day after Saturday). Is today prevailing only in the USA and Canada.

    Other countries generally use Monday as first day of the week and day 1 in flight schedule.

    So today in most countries (all Europe excluding England, most of Latin America, almost all Asia and Africa) Monday is the first day.

    It is for such a majority that the ISO norm specify it (i.e. in ISO-8601 for software date format) . In some languages, like in Chinese, Monday (xingqiyi) means "first day"

  5. Saturday represents the Sabbath, or 7th day of the week in the Christian calendar; which makes Sunday the first day.  Sunday may also be first because that was the day Jesus rose from the dead.

  6. Sunday is the first day of the week on many calendars because it has been since ancient times. In Hebrew Calendars God rested on the seventh day: which was a saturday, this is why the Jewish Sabbath is on a Saturday.

    Obviously many western countries, in fact most until relatively recently, merely continued the tradition which was transmitted through established religion, ie. Roman Catholicism.

    Sunday as the Christian Sabbath has nothing to do with God creating the world but rather takes place to celebrate the rising again of Jesus - which happened on a Sunday.

    The days of the week, I suppose, were considered to be nothing really to do with the Christian Sabbath. God had already set the clocks and I suppose, using analogy, just because something truly amazing happens at 9pm one night it doesn't mean human society rushes out to rearrange the timing system to make this midday (rather laboured but y'know!).

    Not every country nor indeed calendar starts on a Sunday. Usually more secular countries start on a monday just because it is more sensible for arranging the working week - I wouldn't be at all suprised if French calendars don't start on a monday, where as I know English calendars tend to start on a sunday (England has an established religion, France a strong secular tradition).

    The same goes for uses in day to day life, planners tend to start on mondays, because you can get a whole 'working' week on one page which is more helpful. Desk calendars may start on a sunday, because it matters less how weeks are arranged as they're all crammed onto one sheet.

  7. worldwide, and It's because sunday is the first day of the week

  8. Calendars start with sunday all around the world and i believe it's because in biblical times they started their week with Sunday. Even though we now start the week with Monday the tradition still holds true in calendars.

    Hope this helps.

  9. No, it's always been the case historically and is embedded in many languages.  In Arabic and Hebrew for example, Sunday is regarded as the first day of the week.  But it's also deep in our experience that Monday is the start.  It also rattles off the tongue better that way, as you can see in the seventeenth-century catch:

    Of all the days we have to drink, why should we drink but one day?

    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

  10. Sunday is the first day of the week. Jesus was Jewish. Saturday, ( actually sundown Friday to sundown Saturday is the Sabbath. The day God rested from creating man/earth. sky etc.

    It was Gods day and it was to be observed. If Saturday was the seventh day, the day of rest, then Sunday was the first day of the new week.

    I realize that most people in  US religions observe on Sunday but some have started having their services on Sat night. ( Technically that is still Sunday by the Sabbath rules.)

  11. good question!?? hmmmm dunno

  12. It's arbitrary and changes from country to country or region to region. As others have said some European countries start on Monday, other countries start on Saturday, some people don't even use the same calendar. Somehow, somewhere, someone who is lost in time decided to make the US calendar to make a calendar that started on Sunday and it caught on in the US, Canada and elsewhere.

    My best is guess is that it was intended to put "God's day" first, even though in Genesis God waited until the last day to rest.

  13. In Russia Monday is considered the first day of the week.

  14. It's the first day of the week... Everywhere

  15. Calendars in some European and Asian countries indicate Monday as the first day of the week and Sunday as the seventh day. I once found that out by assuming Day 1 on a German train schedule meant Sunday when it really meant Monday! Many U.S. plane schedules indicate Monday as Day 1. so not all calendars use sunday as the first day of the week

  16. Weekly calendars do not always start with Sunday -- even in the U.S.  For example, certain academic calendars start with Monday, since most schools do not have classes on Saturdays and Sundays.  Many work calendars also follow the same convention of starting with Monday.

  17. I've seen some European calendars that start with Monday, German I know, and I think French as well.

  18. sunday is the first day of the week and sarurday the kast. it's only logical to begin with the first dan. this is not exactly true since the month begins with the first day of the month it's showing. only those countries using the Gregorian Calendar utilize this system.

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