
Why Do College Look At The "Depth" Of Extracurricular Activities Rather Than The Quanity???

by Guest59565  |  earlier

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I'm starting to hear people say that college look at 1 or 2 clubs at the most than about 7 clubs at highschool but I don't understand why? Shouldn't the more there is be the merrier? Please help me udnerstand this.

Also if you have any tips on surviving the junior year of high school I'd be more than happy to listen to them because I'm stressed about it.




  1. Basically, they want to see you take a few (meaning maybe three nice ones (that are academic! not fun! but let's pretend they are fun) clubs and they want to see you shine in them. Meaning if you join a science club they want to see you become president of the schools science club, they want to see an inventions you made that one your team the state cup or whatever, etc. It is called "Quality, not quantity." Another legit way I see it, is if you are going to join four or five clubs MAKE d**n SURE THAT YOU LOVE ALL OF THEM. In short, they basically want to see you become a super star in all three of your clubs not just some kid who joined seven clubs and did nothing in them. That's why. I don't think you should join clubs you think you will enjoy PERSONALLY. I mean, if you love the club your in that is great but you want to make sure it is somewhat academically related. Don't forget to also do a thing or two to make yourself stand out. Meaning, do something no kid your age does. Good luck, and just relax. Just keep telling yourself that hard work is always rewarded, great things come to people who wait. Oh, and lastly, don't burn out, meaning don't overload yourself with too much stuff for college that you fail everything and get a brain tumor.

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