
Why Do Crazy Joggers Run in the Heat?

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ok it's a 100 degrees outside, and they don't carry water, and one can get a stroke, and they are maxing out beyond 100 degrees, so why the craziness?

How about a gym or running in the mall before it opens????




  1. it is called that d**n mileage.  It drives people to do crazy things and they don't run with water because it messes with arm swing.


      I am a crazy jogger.

  2. To some people, 100 degrees isn't that hot to them, the hottest I've ran in is 95 degrees, but I hydrated well all day and only ran 4 miles, kept the pace comfortable.  But I don't do that very often.  If it's too hot or my allergies act up, I definitely go to the gym on the indoor track.

  3. I have never understood this either.  I am all for getting in shape but you have to be smart about it.  What good is it to jog and be healthy just to drop dead from heat stroke or a heart attack because you are too stupid to not run in the heat?

  4. well, I am currently serving in Iraq. I don't have a mall to run in before it opens and there is no cool time of the day. I wake up to run at 4:30am and it is already almost 100 degrees. If I am not lucky enough to run in the morning than that means I must run in the afternoon and by than it is already well over 110. Sometimes it is over 120.

    If you are smart than you should know that hydration is the key to preventing heat strokes or other heat related injuries. If you know this than you should also know that you can't hydrate yourself for running while you are running. How much you drink today will determine how well you are hydrated tomorrow. So if you are stupid and don't drink water all the time than the heat will kill you. But it won't kill you if you are well hydrated and than run in it.

    It is also important to make sure you eat healthy. As for why do we do it. Because we runners just do. If you are running just to lose weight than all the power to ya but those kinds of runners most likely won't know how to safely run in sever weather conditions such as 100 plus heat but for the real runners, we run because it is a passion, we know everything there is to know about the sport. We not only run when it is 120 degrees but we run when it is negative 20 degrees (and actually running in the cold is a lot harder on your body than running in the heat) We even run in weather that even mail carriers won't go out in. Ha ha we have a little crazy streak in us I suppose.

  5. for me, it's almost impossible not to run everyday, even in 100 degree weather. carrying a bottle of water get's annoying after a while and messes with my arm's range of motion.

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