
Why Do DEM's Support Abortion but Are Against Capitol Punishment ?

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are they only up to killing unborn babies ?




  1. we don't support abortion.

  2. Will you PLEASE listen. We don't support abortion. We support CHOICE.

  3. I am a Democrat that is Pro-Life and Pro Capital Punishment.

  4. Babies don't vote, they want the convict vote.

    "I don't support MURDER I support a murderer's right to CHOOSE to murder!"

  5. No one is pro abortion. No one thinks abortion is a good thing. People are pro-choice, because it's the woman's right to choose.

  6. Yes. Liberals only want to kill the most helpless beings on the planet. Criminals and terrorists might put up too much of a fight for them.

  7. I am pro-choice and pro capital punishment and I am a Democrat.  Ruined your theory didn't I?

    Oh and I am an avid hunter and gun owner. you are really confused.

  8. Dems support the woman's right to choose - they don't support abortion per se.  

  9. Because capital punishment is cruel and unusual and abortion is...

    I have no idea why they support abortion, but object to capital punishment.

  10. Why do Repubs hate Freedom?

    I am a pro-choice, pro death penalty democrat.

    Why do republicans only care about unborn babies and not children, they consistently vote against programs that support child care, post natal care, education, assistence for families that need help feeding and housing their kids.

    I don't get it.

  11. Beats me, this Dem is against abortion and for capital punishment.

  12. Because babies can't vote.

    If Obama can support live births to die of neglect as a Pro-choice position than all I got to say is that Pro-choice is Pro-abortion.

    When a baby breathing on its own is allow to die on neglect is consider a choice.

    That discuss me and you may not like if you don't like it you are either for it or against it.

    The Choice in Pro-Choice is to kill a baby or not.

    It isn't her body the baby has it's own DNA.

    Once the baby is out of the womb please explain to me how that is still your body?

  13. Because it is a choice to them, and criminals made a choice to kill. So, I'm thinking we need to use this to our advantage:

    We start killing liberals, and say we made a choice! Roe V Wade BABY!

  14. Because we hate babies and love murderers......just like all republicans are rich, hate Mexicans, black people, poor people, g*y people, and puppies......

  15. Unborn babies have "Original Sin" and therefore must recieve the ultimate punishment:  DEATH!

  16. Please stop saying abortion is murder, it is not. You can't kill a fetus, you can't kill an unborn thing. I said 'thing' because in most countries abortion is legal only until the 12th-13th weeks. Until that point, it is not even a fetus, it's a parazite. that's why at most first pregnancies body miscarry (determine) the fetus

    To answer your question, abortion is a right. Taking it away, telling a woman what is right for her family and her body is against freedom. So is capital punishment. A government should not (and has no right to) decide who's going to give birth and who's going to die.

    P.S. Abortion is not a birth control, I agree. Everyone agree. However, there are numerous options and stories where abortion is a necessity. For both the mother and the future baby you claim you care about.

  17. We protect the rights of those who have earned rights, regardless of criminal convictions and including the rights of the woman. If you think an unborn fetus has more rights than that born thinking body who it is attached to, then my friend you will be killing women instead of having abortions.

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