
Why Do Democats Think Big Business Is Evil?

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As in BIG oil companies...

But think that BIG government is heavenly and compassionate ???

Chances are, BIG government is even more evil than BIG company.

BIG companies don't have nuclear weapons, don't have an army and don't forcibly take money away from people through threats of emprisonment or death like government does.




  1. Haha :-)

    I think you already know the answer.

    "Big Business" is a scapegoat to distract people from the ills of 'Big Government"'.

    Not to mention, it's the governments influence over big business so powerful and evil in the first place!

    It's called corporatism.

    They're in bed together.

    But... someone's gotta be the bad guy.

  2. We don't, but we do think that the huge disparity among income earnings between a CEO and middle management represents a failure in the free market.

  3. We don't. This is another right wing lie. We do know that a corporation is a AMORAL entity that is all about making a profit. We know that sometimes companies do things that are wrong for the sake of making a profit and that we need to have regulations and consequences when they pollute the water, make unsafe products, commit fraud, don't live up to pension obligations, hire illegals, etc.

    Tell the people that worked for Enron and lost their pensions and 401Ks that corporations don't take money away from people.  Tell the people whose jobs have been sent overseas that corporations don't take money away from people. That hire illegals. That cut people's hours to avoid providing health insurance.

    Not paying your taxes is illegal!  So the government is supposed to be compassionate to criminals?

  4. As a Dem, I do not think big business is evil.  I just don't want to pay their taxes for them.  They should pay their fair share.

    In 2007, 66% of American corporations paid ZERO taxes.  Who makes up for that?  You and I.

  5. We don't. Look around you and see how great big companies have been for workers: jobs have moved off-shore. Cheap goods have invaded our stores and have endangered our families. Wages have dropped. Workers are paying enormous tax bills - big companies don't pay taxes due to tax breaks their lobbyists have sought and obtained from government, then gone and screwed the country and workers by leaving, paying enormous CEO bonuses and leaving loyal employees without hope and retirements plundered. (Take a look at the Albertsons Corp, Home Depot, ENRON, Worldcom, etcetera.) No, we Democrats don't hate big business. We hate the way they conduct business without oversite. Small and medium sized businesses run with more ethics than big businesses. And government regulation may - just may - be able to bring honor and dignity back to big business.

  6. There is also Big Labor.  The Auto Workers Union has bargained for and gotten contracts where an autoworker gets 90% of their pay when there is a model changeover and the plant shuts down.  They get paid nearly all their salary for not being there while the plant re-tools.  

    Regarding those who want Big Business to pay their fair share of taxes.  It is Congress's fault for writing tax legislation with the loopholes.  No one pays more than they legally have to.  Further, all taxes are expenses and will get passed along to the consumer resulting in higher prices.

  7. the new Democratic party wants to Control     - everything

    thats where the anti business comes from  

    if we go democratic in this election cycle       business

    needs to take care  

    obama is an academic

    pie in the sky     professor        socialist

    the country could go right down the drain  

    with someone like that as a lLeader

    kind of a Jimmy Carter with half a brain


  8. non-deregulated monopolies keep small businesses from flourishing

  9. because big business makes individuals rich and they dont give all their money to lazy people who vote democrat

  10. Look at the subsidies and the price gouging by big oil.

    Look how much government has grown under 7.5 years of Republican "leadership".

    Now say what?

  11. Not big business itself.  Only big business that pays off politicians and uses tax shelters to avoid paying their fair share.

  12. Because the media tells them so..

  13. Hitler had his Jews; Democrats have their big business.  a******s need an enemy.

  14. It's just a liberal talking point that they follow blindly...kinda like how they accuse conservatives of blindly following Fox News talking points.

  15. Unfortunately this is no longer a government of, by and for the people but a government of by and for the special interests. As long as corporations have a greater voice in how and whether congress acts than any individual and the members of congress who are primarily interested only in their own reelection - not running the country - the millions the corporation contribute to elections in the name of free speech will give them a far greater control over congress than any individual or what is best for the country. No corporation should have any greater voice than that of the individuals that work for it and those who agree with  their policies. Individual citizen have no voice in government compared to the money and advertisements put out by the corporations. You have probably have seen the ads by the oil companies that are meant to convince you that if only they can drill wherever they want the price of oil and therefore that of gasoline will drop. The facts have shown that with a reasonable input from government renewable sources of energy will become mature long before the first drop of oil goes through a refinery and gets to you. Further, the price of gasoline will continue to rise because of WORLD demand not what is produced in the U.S. In simple terms,  until you become ACTIVE in governmental affairs the CORPORATIONS will continue to run the country into the ground in the name of profit and you will continue to be in economic free fall while your rights are eroded. The mining, manufacturing and service industries are supposed to be there to serve us, the people, not we them. Until their vested interest in maintaining the status quo and the advantage the present laws give them over the people is broken they will continue to keep congress tied in knots bickering over trivia to ensure that they do not loose any of their power to control the agenda - that the little guy gets littler and that the money goes only from us to them.

    Until you become active and start kicking the butt of your congressmen and women to end corporate control of the country the government will remain corrupt with the same sickness of greed that now controls the corporations. Until everyone unleashes a torrent of protest will congress pass laws that break corporate control of the country and give it back to the people. Only then will the corruption in congress will end and the congress may actually get back to the business of running the country instead of just playing politics and running for reelection.

  16. Are big oil companies looking out for whats best for themselves, or best for America?

    are big restaurant chains looking out for whats best for themselves, or best for America?

    Big Govt is designed to look out for whats best for America and how to achieve it...

    Its about the stated goals...

    Oh, and some companies will throw you in jail for stealing (which is the same as not paying taxes), they will keep you from working if you sign a non-compete (even if they fire you), and with the new emminent domain laws they actually can twist it to where my home and way of life can be drastically uprooted for a bigger building.....

    Its not that big business is evil, its just that big business is solely concerned with themselves, rather than the betterment of the United States.....

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