
Why Do Democrats Single Out Oil Companies?

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Why do liberals think that oil companies are evil ?

Here's what Glenn Beck said:

Joe Biden: "Even today, as oil companies post the biggest profits in history ... John wants to give them another $4 billion in tax breaks."

Here is the justification behind this talking point:

1.) John McCain wants to cut corporate income taxes for all companies.

2.) Oil companies are companies.

That's it.

Democrats believe that you think oil companies are mean, so they single them out, hoping you think McCain has cut a special deal just for them. He hasn't.

I guess it's really hard to drum up anger against your opponent when you say, "John McCain wants to cut taxes for companies that make delicious ice cream sundaes




  1. Why do Republicans support oil companies when they inflate the prices at the expense of the whole world?

    Also thanks to you republicans we are in a 9 trillion dollar deficit and we won't get rid of it by giving tax breaks to people who don't need it.

  2. Because energy is the one commodity upon which our society operates.  As hydrocarbon are a prime source of energy, it is of dire importance to our economy and security.

  3. Because oil companies {GASP!} take money from investors {GASP!} and make high risk investments in oil exploration {GASP!} that may or may not pay off but when they do pay off {GASP!} oil company investors want to keep {GASP!} the fruits of their high risk investment {GASP!}.

    The funny thing is, I would bet a fair amount of people clamoring for the insidious "windfall profits tax" {Jimmy Carter, anyone?} own mutual funds in their IRAs that in turn have big investments in integrated oil companies.  Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, socialists look at their retirement and saving as someone else's responsibility.

  4. Because people are angry about gas prices and the Democrats are experts at pandering to voters..

  5. Have to love the media! the story of a child walking across the street can become a terrible scandal.

  6. All they can see is the large number.

    They don't look beyond the headline to see just how enormous the company is.

  7. They can't stand the idea that an American company can actually make a profit!!

  8. the dem's and some people here would rather that companies take the 'Ford and GM' path to doing business.  

  9. cause they have nothing better to do.

  10. No worry.  The average voter sees clearly through the Dem's boilerplate class-envy jive.  Libs are not as smart as they think they are. And the average American isn't as gullible as the Libs believe they are.  They'll blow it again.

  11. Oil corporations have for decades tried to control the market by scheming and buying Washington. They have created this bad reputation with their constant interest of fooling the public to squeeze the working classes pocket. The day they start doing business with some sort of social responsibility and ethical then they would have earn their money.

  12. that's right those evil liberals don't want to give more money to the good old rich oil companies. instead those d**n commi liberals want to punish the oil companies for raising the price of gas and help everyone in america afford to go to work. how awful.

  13. Why are oil companies making record profits at a time when Americans are paying record prices for gas?  That is why people are angry about oil companies.

  14. Really?  It says all that?  Let's review, shall we?  I'll even write it in all caps..because you must need glasses.


    Wow, that's funny I don't think it says anything about democrats think oil companies are mean.  Please show me where it says that.

    Why should we give any company additional tax breaks when they are making windfall record profits?  You should probably work on your reading comprehension there Tex.

  15. The fact is American oil and oil services companies spent money on research and development of technologies to find and extract oil during the years when oil very price-stable.  Now that the supply and demand has become forefront of this debate, the companies are simply cashing in on their investment.  In simple, capitalism.  

    People use oil companies only because its a big expenditure that people can relate to.  How about the housing crisis?  They won't go there because in fact people can be blamed for their own decision.  Oil prices are apparently controlled by George W. Bush and will work wonders to elect a Dem president.

  16. DEMS love to single out the way that they singled out McCain's 100yrs....People should listen the rest and hear that McCain wanted to stay in Iraq IF NEEDED just like in Japan and Korea where we STILL have troops but not in a war.

  17. If the "delicious ice cream sundaes" corporations were making record profits by inflating prices I wouldn't give them tax cut, either.

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