
Why Do Elementry School Baseball Coaches Take The Game So Seriously?

by Guest66860  |  earlier

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My son is in 3rd grade , went to baseball try outs and the kids and coaches were laughing at him cause he's not very good at it. My son ran out of there crying, they hurt his feelings so badly! That was so mean! My son wanted to play this year with some of his friends, now he is totally not interested- which I wouldnt want him to play with such cruel people. Baseball in grade school should be for fun! It makes me sick to my stomach to know people act like that! Anyone else have coaches like this?




  1. Coaches should never humiliate a child, they are supposed to be one of many mentors to our children. You need to report him to the person who is above him. I feel so terrible about that. I also have a 3rd grader and I will never tolerate any behavior like that from an adult to any child. I am an assistant cub master, I have been involved with cub scouts for 3 years and speaking down to a child from any adult will not be tolerated. Oh! honey if I was there... That coach would have gotten an ear full. Please get everyone who wittiness this behavior and report this coach. PLEASE!

  2. organized sports can be like that. My boys play baseball and they have had some good coaches and they have had some bad ones. There is a lot of politics involved. For example if you know the coach or live in the same neighborhood as him then your kid will play more and if youn don't know him or your kid isn't the best player they will sit on the bench more.

    It is very frustrating. I just tell my kids to have fun and do their best.

    EDIT: I have tried reporting the bad ones before but the problem is they are usually friends with the person above them, they are all the same so nothing gets done about it.

  3. my brother had a basketball coach when he was little who would go out like cursing and screaming at the refs. then he would scream at the kids and call them stupid and stuff. my brother didn't care, though, he found it amusing. they finally kicked him out of being a coach in that league after he got physical with a ref.

  4. Because they are g*y lol.

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