
Why Do Fans Hate California?

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Auto Club is one of my favorite tracks. It's got multiple grooves and hard racing, and also the cars stay tucked together after a restart for like 50 whole laps before it actually starts to become the California fans say it is. I don't see what's not to like about this track.

Could you all give me a reason to hate Auto Club?




  1. Boring boring boring and i say again boring. It's like watching grass grow.Even JPM didn't crash tonight or Waltrip

  2. Personally its too much like MIS. And more things tend to happen at MIS, more lead changes and stuff. But I am also kind of bias because I am from Michigan. But so far its been a boring race and tends to be for the most part for this race too.

  3. Xtremely boring racing.

  4. It was designed for CART. When they held races there, they put on fantastic races. They ran around going 240 mph+, and here we have big bulky machines cruising around 180-190.  

  5. Fans hate it because it is boring x 2.  It has two boring races and neither of them sell out.... They need drop at least one and probably both of them.  

  6. You must be thinking of a different track than the one tonight. That race was only slightly more exciting than Indy this year.

  7. well honestly this has been a pretty boring race.....

  8. Too slick, track changes too much, drivers get lapped too easily, setups are hit and miss for most people, no action, etc ...

  9. *yawn* I'll tell you when I wake up.

  10. This is the first race at Fontana that I have not gone to....and I'm so glad I'm not their tonight, the Poker game we have going here tonight at my place has been more fun, I was there last night for the yawn feast I'm home tonight for the Yawn Feast, 30 laps to go LETS RACE BOYS, Cause I'm bored. oh yes here come another yawn, but I'm up 90.00 in the poker game we have going.

    Go Dale He & Hms

  11. yea between pocono and california they dont really bring alot of excitement or good racing...sorry it is what it is

  12. it's boring, and going there to watch a race is often painful, in more ways than one.

  13. California is where all the "plastic people" are.

    i'm trying to be funny

  14. not me i wuv it

  15. Johnson sure didn't stay packed up after the restarts tonight. I myself am ticked because California took Darlington's Labor Day race. Some would consider a stupid reason, but I love watching races Darlington.

  16. Maybe because it's a dilapidated track that's literally falling apart.

  17. it is just long and boring nothing interesting usually happens but i still like the track

  18. NAPCAR

    The racing is boring.

    there has been more cautions than usuall tonight so the cars havent been spread apart like they normally are.  On long runs like last night the 5th place car will be around 15- 20 seconds behind the leader.  Thats not racing, thats a sprint.  Also more times than not this track produce gas mileage races and those arent as good as actually racing the cars.   I can see how the drivers like it with the diffrent groves, but for me I want good hard racing, not 10 second intervals between cars.

  19. The race there is so boring.....and the cars are so far apart that it is so hard to past  

  20. Not only is it boring, it's HOT!

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