
Why Do Good Women End up?

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being lonely?

I'm talking about women who are do gooders, who remain virgins, do what is right, don't party, drink, or drugs or smoke?

I have nothing against women who do the above, but why do good women get cast aside in society like something is wrong with them?




  1. What's so good about someone who doesn't participate in life.  Part of life is having fun - perhaps stopping at drugs and smoking, but there is nothing wrong with blowing off some steam or just having a great time.

  2. Because it's hard to find a girl like that, who you can have a conversation with, that doesn't have overbearing opinions.

  3. There is a bid differnce to being alone and lonely.

    Loneliness is a state of mind.

    Being alone does have benefits.

    They are in control.

    They can be themselves.

    They are independant.

    They are doing their own thing without a care for the mad, bad, sad party world.

    They have peace in this troubled world.

    I think they may like it.

  4. They are the drivers who always follow the speed limit while everyone else rushes past. There's just no room for Miss "Goody Girl" in today's mainstream society. I like women who can be daring and adventurous--not to the extreme of course, but fun to be with.

  5. Maybe it's because they are just really, really, ridiculously, boring!!

  6. If you're living in the West, you would be seen as something rare b/c having s*x and drinking is a part of the mainstream culture.  Maybe you're meeting the wrong people who aren't similar to you.

    Find someone from an orthodox community if you want someone similar to you.

    I know people that aren't into the stuff that you mentioned. Go to a church or something..don't hang out bars or clubs.

  7. Those women just need to seek men in different places, and find mates with similar beliefs.  One would assume that the woman you describe would be active at church, and thus have a fairly wide social network.

  8. They are lonely for they don't have their treasure in the Lord.  A single woman is still bound to Christ when she is bound to no man.  He is her Lord and she should act like it.  Cheerful attitudes come from genuine love and genuine love comes from God anyway.  All is from Him and when we feel incomplete, we are acknowledging that we are not in complete fellowship with Him.  He is all that we need and "all other things will be added unto us".  Seek ye first the kingdom and all will be well.  He promised and He doesn't lie.  God bless...

  9. Because society is very confused. Society thinks that being good is bad. However, you and I both know that society is a big ****** that is rarely fair. Being good is difficult, but its worth it. Karma.

  10. Because the majority of them are socially challenged. They dont know how to interact with the rest of the world

  11. Well what makes those particular traits "good"?. I would not date a woman like that either.. sounds BORING. I'm yawning already!!!

    Those women are clearly not "good" because if they were, they would have no problems getting a decent man.

    Rule of thumb: IF you can't attract "good" then YOU are not "Good".


  12. Mike T

    Go ahead and keep dating drunks, s***s and drug addicts. You will be here forever attacking regular women.

  13. I'm actually the personification of what you just described, I'm studying to become a kindergarten teacher & I have a boyfriend so I'm not lonely like you described. There are also plenty of good men who fit this description, they all should hook up with the "good women".

    Oh & by the way, I'm not "boring" by any means :)

  14. Wait ...Wait...where did you get that definition of being a good girl? ..let me tell you a little something , people's sexual life (being a virgin or not ) DOES NOT  interfere with them being good citizens and individuals of worth in general , if you are responsible while you are at it theres nothing screaming out "she good or bad " i know pop culture throws this concept around a lot , but im staring to think the people running this show are immature 7 year olds or something!

    partying , and drinking are just entertainment , again nothing wrong with it! its all just a matter OF KNOWING YOUR LIMITS  if i know i have to study for an exam , i would refrain from going to a party , and if i also know than two beers make me feel drunk then i would stop right there! But if i trespass the limit then it just means i need improvement in this area of my life ! but i could still be a good person in all of the other areas . The key is in seeing everything as separate qualities not as a robot that once it screwed ups it does not serve anymore ? we are more than that!

    making drugs and smoking are a matter of intelligence , by that i mean that if we are smart enough not to mess with our health being , body and mind by inducing toxic chemicals then we are being intelligent , not good

    i could be a drug addict , who wont stop partying and still give all my money to someone who needs it more than me without expecting anything in return and then you can see im being a good human !

    I would be being an ALTRUIST ! now thats what you can call being good without the term of "gender" in the way   of helping other people

    thats my definition of good , have a nice day!

  15. Really? How is it 'doing the right thing' to be unhappy and lonely?

    That's a choice they're making.

    There are a lot of 'good' women who have happy and fulfilled lives, you don't have to sit at home nursing your purity to be 'good', and you don't have to be drinking, drugging and putting it about to have fun!

    Sharing your life with others is how to have a good life ~ if you choose to remain alone, t's hardly society's fault.

    Especially not when there is so much to be done for someone who wishes to do good. Every charity and NGO needs willing helpers ~ and it's easy to meet people who are nice folk who value willing companions at such places.

    Sometimes, you have to put yourself on the line for others and be a friend, in order to have friends.

    Cheers :-)

  16. Are you having a dig at ME? i know, i know i'm so pure. lol

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