
Why Do Hockey Players Hate Figure Skaters So Much?

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Why Do Female (and Some Male) Hockey Players seem so annoyed by Figure Skaters?

And Why is it that some hockey players are all over the skaters while some hate them?




  1. Do they?  The two skating styles are very different.  That would be like softball players hating baseball players.  What would be the point?

  2. Because hockey players are rough and aggressive and skate for a puck and figure skaters just do some little twirls and leaps.

    I don't hate them though.

  3. because the way they skate is different

  4. Three main reasons:

    1) They leave holes in the ice from toe picks. Most figure skaters do not stay and fill the holes and the zamboni does not  do a great job filling them.

    2) They use up prime time ice with only 4 - 8 skaters on the ice. In hockey we get 40 players at a time on the ice for a game.

    3) Most figure skaters (girls) think hockey players are cheaters and won't date them. This makes us mad because most figure skaters are hot.

  5. Maybe because they mess up the ice with the toe picks on theirs skates and they seem to hog a ton of ice time away from the hockey leagues in most arena. And most of they ( figure skaters) seems to have attitude problems

  6. I'm a big hockey fan, and I don't hate Figure Skaters...

    Their expertise is more of an artistic expression (like dance) while hockey is more of a competitive, physical, contact sport (in my opinion), but both require passion and extensive physical training and talent/ability...

    It's just that, even though they're both on ice, they're on different sides of the sphere of sports.

  7. Thats like comparing Dancing to Boxing (or any other sport)! Follow me? Figure skating is a competition (like Dancing)... Hockey is a sport! Some people relate to more of a sport and not a judged competition. So hockey players, even though Figure Skating is on ice, look down upon them.

  8. All hockey players are rough and tough.

    Some are just rougher and tougher than others.

  9. Because everybody hates a sissy.

  10. As a goalie I have seen a few goalie trip up over the holes left in the crease by figure skaters. I myself have done this myself until I started to inspect the crease each time I step on the ice. I have also seen players hit one of these holes going into the boards, which, all you hockey players out there know that is a recipe for disaster. That is my irritation with figure skaters.

    Whats with the fruity music by the way?

  11. My daughter has been figure skating competitively for 9 years now (since she was 5) and we've never experienced any disdain or trouble from hockey players - in fact it's been just the opposite..

    I think you're focusing in on the minority.

    Note: Figure skater Kristy Yamaguchi is married to hockey player Brett Hedican and figure skater Michelle Kwan dated hockey player Andrew Ferrence for a few years.

  12. the girls are stuck up annoying people who take up space in the locker rooms

    and the guys are g*y

    and they all make annoying holes in the ice

    and no figure skating is not a sport

  13. LOL!  I asked my boyfriend, and he said "because they are g*y!"

  14. I don't why hockey players hate it but I can tell you why I do.  

    It's not a sport.  I know you think it's a sport because you like it, but it's not a sport.  It's an art.  It's an event.  It's an athletic competition.  It's supposed to look like beautiful and graceful and you have to smile and all that.  Nobody has ever denied that it takes athleticism, skill, etc.  But that still doesn't make it a sport.  It's purely subjective as to who the winners are.  The same goes for synchronized swimming, gymnastics, diving, etc.   Nobody's denying the athletic prowess.  Only the classification of it as a "sport".

    Now on the other hand if figure skaters were to demonstrate the height of their jumps by jumping over obstacles such as hurdles or a high-jump, I'd respect it more.

  15. because they aren't as tough apperantly. i think figure skating is pretty. :)

  16. Because figure skating is dumb,sissy, and pointless..

  17. i used to figure skate for a LONG time. it's a real bitchy sport, you can't deny it. even the parents will talk s.hit on little 7 year old girls who they think suck because they take more lessons with a certain coach. it's happened to me before.

    it is by no means a p***y sport though. hockey is definitely a much more physical sport (actually that's an understatement, it is probably THE most physical sport out there) but figure skating isn't all just gliding and spinning. double axels aren't exactly the easiest things to accomplish either.

  18. Because they have a different skate style. Instead of going for a puck, they do jumps. Aside from that, they are probably jelous that they can skate better than them.

  19. Since when???????????????

  20. some will take up this sport to learn good points.but the guys who figure skat pro,are deemed sissys.

  21. hockey skates masculine

    figure skates feminine

    masculine = act hateful at anyone who acts feminine and isnt a girl

    (which is awful but is how is )

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