
Why Do I Feel This Way? please answer?

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Okay, So im fourteen and im not sure where do start.

Me and my dad have never really been CLOSE but, He's awesome and i love him.

But whenever he comes home from work i always get irritated. like i wish he would stay at work for a while longer. But then when he's home for a wile, i dont feel that way.

And when My mom says he has to stay overnight on a road trip, i feel almost releived? and i never really fee like i can be my TOTAL crazy/funny self around him.

What the heck is this about?

i love my dad, but i don't konw why i always feel this way




  1. It may be because you don't wanna do anything wrong to make your father think bad of you and you want him to continue to be proud of you. It also could be that he much more stricker than your mom. It's hard to say when we don't really know your father personality.  

  2. WoW you sound crazy !!! Are you sure you're not mentally ill or something ?? go get help geeezz

  3. i felt the SAME way growing up. It started when I was about 13. And I didn't want my dad to come home. I almost feared him sometimes. It was weird. Weird. But then my mom and him divorced and he really left. It was awful. But I don't know why I felt that way.  

  4. I know how you're feeling. I oddly feel this way too, sometimes!

    I think you may just be going through an awkward stage with your dad, since you are growing and have hormonal stuff and may keep more things to yourself. I know I'm like this a lot.

  5. Ha ha, does he not let you do something?

  6. I would venture to say that you are feeling resentment.  This is very typical for a teenager to feel this way about his/her parent, if they are often working long hours or away on business often.  Maybe you desire more of your dad's attention and while wanting to please him, you want to be away/reject him at times to deal with your resentment.  Just keep in mind that you will grow up so fast, and then your parents really may not be close to you anymore.  Enjoy their presence while you can.

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