
Why Do I Look So Small and Young?

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well im a sophomore in highschool im kinda short also have a six-pack, but i look like a 7th grader and doesn't look i hit puberty at all




  1. Maybe you haven't :P.

  2. For me, it was just the opposite - when I was 13 and in the 8th grade, I was over 6 feet tall with a beautiful set of abs and WELL into puberty!  It was so embarrassing to me to tell people that I was still in grade school.

    That's just the nature of puberty.  I know it's embarrassing at the time.  Like you, there was a freshman boy in my school who had the perfectly hairless body of a pre-pubescent boy, but eventually, nature kicks in for all of us and we all even out about 18, 19 or 20, so just hang in there and ride it through.  You'll be OK eventually.

  3. Give yourself time ;) Your body will develop when it's time. You can't force it, or rush it into developing faster than what has predetermined biologically.

  4. Maybe it is that u haven't hit puberty yet or it could do with your genetics are your family small?

  5. why? genetics.

  6. Maybe your a late bloomer  

  7. genetics, Bill.  Mother Nature is a mad scientist.

  8. Sounds like you're just a late bloomer. Give it some time. My best guy friend really didn't grow a substantial amount until the summer before his junior year.  

  9. Heh, I'm a high school senior, but some say I look like a freshman, so I know how you feel -__-

    But the good thing about it is you won't look really old later! :D

  10. dont worry. some people get their growth spert later on in life. you will get yours soon.

    or if you dont maby it is in your family history or genes? ask your mom or your grandparents.

    --good luck

  11. hey, it may be a bad thing right now, but maybe you're one of those people who when they turn 50 they'll still look 35.

  12. because you are small and young. cut yourself some slack, you're not even an adult yet.

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