
Why Do I Wake Up In The Morning With A Sick Feeling?

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When I Wake Up In The Morning, I Feel Nauseated. I Usually Dont Eat Breakfast When I Have That Feeling Because I Get Close To Throwing It Up




  1. Maybe anxiety.  Need more information.

  2. That's probably your stomach telling you to eat something.  If you're not really hungry, just try eating something small, like a piece of toast.  That should take care of it.

  3. You snore, which means that you are partially suffocating all night from sleep apnea, which is stressing your body so much that it feels sick when you finally wake up all the way. Don't eat anything greasy or sweet in the morning. Just eat bread-like things like bagels and wash it down with milk or water. Yep, bread and water! Things that will make you sick would be sausage, eggs, orange juice, donuts, chocolate milk, things with syrup on it, and other things other people consider normal breakfast food. Just don't eat them or you will feel like puking all morning.  

  4. i feel sick too if its early. you're just tired. if the feeling is extreme to the point that it's really affecting you, see a doctor. otherwise, try and go to sleep earlier! it's late right now, go to bed. good luck my friend.

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