
Why Do Liberals Want To Tax The Middle Class Into Poverty?

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Why Do Liberals Want To Tax The Middle Class Into Poverty?




  1. The "classless system"

  2. You don't know what you're talking about. Republicans force us to pay an additional 15% on our federal income taxes because of interest on the national debt, just because they can't balance a budget.

  3. Their base shrinks as people have more money and education.

  4. you must have seen the new McCain ad.  

    the reality we have been living the past 8 years has been the redistribution of the middle class wealth to the Rich.  

    if your doing so good vote for 4 more years of it.

  5. ...they don't...they want to lower the taxes to middle class and raise taxes to upper class. Stop trolling.

  6. Because it is "compassionate".

  7. And where exactly do you get the idea that they're taxing the middle class? I think you've been watching too many McCain ads.. "Obama wants to raise taxes".. but do they ever say for who? No, they don't. Taxes are being raised for the rich.

  8. Apparently you have either not been paying enough attention to what's going on, or you are paying to much attention to Rush and Sean.

  9. The better question is why the Dems are not talking about taxing corporations more.

    Individual income contributes less than 1% to GDP and pay 50% of the taxes.

    In 1947 individual income accounted for 50% of the GDP and 50% of the taxes.

    PS: Dems start "middle class" at 30K when they take away and include people making up to $250K when they want to give people breaks.

    The majority of people make less than 100K.

  10. Because the more people you have on the Government Dole, the more people you have that are less likely to vote against cutting the Government entitlement programs.

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