
Why Do Many muslims says they Can't judge Qadyanise? ?

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Both s**+'a and Sunni Ullam consider them as Kaffires!!




  1. Qadiyani are not Muslims. I can judge them.  

  2. i dont consider anyone as a kaffir unless they say there a kaffir but ur not meant to judge people is HARAM.. and dont call anyone a kaffir unless they said there a kaffir..

  3. Dear,

    Peace upon you.

    In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    l shall not argue with anybody. l am a Muslim. Anybody that Shahadah other than "l bear witness that there no GOD save ALLAH and l bear witness that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahhu'alaihi Wassalam is the Prophet of ALLAH" are NOT Muslim and NOT with me in ISLAM.

    Thank you.

    Wabillahhitaufiq Walhidayah Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh..

  4. there's nothing lol about that sara

    (she always deletes her answers!)

    hi salman wat up? =]

  5. I don't get it. Everytime I see a Mohammadan in America coming on t.v. or something he/she is all humble and crying and stuff and telling everyone in the world that they are really nice people and don't hate anyone and that "Islam means 'peace'" and they want to be friends with everyone and so so so (I especially liked that really cute cover picture of "Muslims in America" on the cover of Newsweek a couple years back...). But then, when you are in your natural element you start going at it again with all kinds people, like Ahmadi Muslims. Why so double-faced? Why does it seem that you Mohammadans seem to have a problem with everyone in the world? I mean, you seem to have problems with Christians, problems with Jewish people, problems with Hindus, even problems with your yourself (like the Sunni and Shia). And you are doing this after having brutally murdered two of your own Khalifas and the grandchildren of OUR Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). You mean you still don't know why the world hates you so much? Think people, think.

  6. According to their logic, even the Hindus( who worship 30 million gods) are Muslims.

    It will be a sin for you if u call a Hindu "Kafir". Its because " u r no one to judge" "Allah is the only judge"

    Isnt it funny?


  7. If Qaidanis and Mirza saab himself has declared the rest of the Muslims Kaafir, then why is it so wrong for us to believe (and know) they are?

    This is what Mirza saab had to say about non-Ahmadi Muslims...

    "Except for the CHILDREN OF PROSTITUTE, whose hearts have been sealed by God, everyone else believes in me and has accepted me."

    (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.547)


    "God has revealed to me that anyone to whom my message has reached and he has not accepted me , he is not a muslim."

    (Letter of Mirza to Dr. Abdul Hakeem Khan Patialvi)


    "I have God's inspiration that he who does not follow you and will not enter your Ba'ith and remain your opponent, he is disobedient of God and His Prophet, Hellish."

    (Advertisement in M'ayaar-ul-Akhyar by Mirza Ghulam p.8)


    "Thus remember as God has informed me, it is forbidden and absolutely forbidden to pray behind any disbeliever and hesitant; but is should be that your imam should be one of you." (Arbaeen No 3, Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.417 footnote)

    "It is our obligation that we do not consider non-ahmadis as muslims and do not pray behind them, because for us they have rejected one prophet (Mirza Ghulam) of God. This is a religious matter and no one has any right to do anything in it."

    (Anwar-e-Khilafat, by Mirza Mahmood, Khalifa 2, p.90)

    So now we should ask fellow Muslims again. Are they Kaafir? Of course they are.  

  8. I try not to judge like that because it is Allah's duty and privilege to judge, not mine.  Since I am merely human, I feel it is wrong to perform divine duty and pass religious judgment on people.

  9. When Abu Bakr found that some people had decided to take advantage of Muhammad (P.B.U.H)'s death and declared their prophethood, he (R.A) didn't even bother to go argue against their beliefs. He (R.A) didn't even ask his companion sahabas to interpret the word 'khatam'.

    Neither did any companion of Muhammad (P.B.U.H), nor any of His wives say that a human can't judge anybody's faith. That we should believe anybody to be a Muslim when he/she says so. Abu Bakr (R.A)simply ordered that they all should be killed, unless they repent.

    How far does a person have to stretch before he can be labelled a kafir? What if Salman Rushdie says that he is a Muslim? Shall we swallow that?

    What if Mirza Qadyani calls himself a Muslim after abusing the Prophet of Allah, Jesus (A.S), and calling Him a drunkard and a prostitute? As well as abusing Allah? Is he a Muslim?

    What does somebody have to do to be declared a kafir, even though he claims to be a Muslim? Or does it not matter at all what he does, as long as he claims to be a Muslim?

    @Salman---exactly bro.! that is just what I am trying to say.

  10. Because, if the Quran tells me not to judge christians and Jews, why would i come and judge a brother or sister, who says la ilaha ila allah wa Muhammad rasula Allah, it is just not right, and not the time or place to do so, am i the best Muslim in the world? When i do become one, and have no errors in my life, then maybe i will have the guts to judge others, right now i don't. I can speak an effective word, i can debate, but for me to call another Muslim a Kaffir, is not my style. Sorry brothers and sisters i did not mean to annoy anyone, it is just how i feel.

  11. A muslim can not practice Islam if he will not judge That who is kafir and who is muslim

    Bcoz at the time He pays zakat ,he has to give it to muslim

    So he can not give to Qadyani  or other deviated sects

    Sahaba judge the Musailma Kazzab and did jihad against him

    Abu Bakr (ra) also said i will do jihad if any one deny to pay ther zakat

    So this just a Shaitani Drum which some people beat ,That Allah Is the only judge ,

    Yes For Sure Allah is the Judge But he is the one who ordered Muslims To Do to tell the difference between the right and wrong n islam and kufr.. that is why he blessed us wid da intellegence and the knowledge of the quran and sunnah.

    I m in a hurry so please forgive any mistake on my part.

  12. Salam bro Salman,

    Firstly, the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad are called either Ahmadiyya or Ahmadi. A Qudiani or Qudanise (?) is some one from Qudian like a Londoner is some one from London.

    Please do NOT change the words of the Kalima: la ilaha ila allah wa Muhammad rasula Allah Mean he's the messenger of Allah..... no LAST in there, so do NOT add it please to prove your point.

    Secondly, i do not care how many 'wise men' from the international Muslim League decided to place them outside of Islam and decided they were Kafirs. Realise please, that what THEY did in unity, was sitting in the chair of Allah deciding over matters of faith. Astaghfirullah!

    Remember, ONLY Allah knows, no human can tell. The Quran says: 'there is no compulsion in religion' Now THAT is Allah's word.

    Also remember what the prophet said: If you call some one a kafir and you are wrong, Allah will consider you the kafir.

    Now, if you are willing to risk your eternal soul based on the consensus of a group of mere humans, please do so. I'm not that brave.

    If some one follows the 5 pillars (as Ahmadiyya do) i will consider them my Muslim brothers and sisters.

    Truth163: I'm sorry..... how can you claim that Ahmadiyya do not believe in the Kalima? They have Absolutely the same Kalima as we have! la ilaha ila allah wa Muhammad rasula Allah. Not one word is different.

  13. "Both s**+'a and Sunni Ullam consider them as Kaffires!!"

    Likewise s**+'a and Sunni Ullam call each other Kafir too:)

    Salman. Please enlighten us which word in the Kalima Shahada can be translated to 'the last'...?

    لا الہ الا اللہ محمد الرسول للہ

    Edit. You did not answer me why you are trying to change Kalima Shahadah. Why It did not occur to Allah and his Prophet  Muhammad (saw) to add the word 'last' in the Kalima?

    Quran and Ahadith and 'Ijma-e- Ummat' beleives in completeness of the shariat....being last or earlier is not important (see Tahzeerunnas by Maulana Qasim Nanotawi Page 5). Email me if you need teh reference.

    also see Al Futuhat Makiyya Vol 2 , Page 3 (Allama Ibne Arabi)

  14. Peace..

    Qadiya's are non-believers, they believe that ghulam mirza is last prophet, and not muhammad.

    they dont believe in the kalima but say there is 1 god.

    Their prophet Ghulam Mirza, this is true, died in a toilet(bad place to die, dirty place, and only allah chooses where you die) He also had diarria that day. According to many Indian Muslims, he saw the angel of death and saw something bad and has gone up.

    Muslims are not to judge as Allah is best judge, and no Hindu's, sikhs etc are not muslim unless they submit there is only 1 god and muhammad is his messenger.


  15. What do we call those clearly deny verses of Holy Quran and deny the sayings of our beloved Prophet (pbuh). It is indeed Kufr.

    Surely Allah will judge between all on the day of judgment. Allah has informed us the criteria for His judgment and  our way is made clear between Imaan and Kufr. Everyone will be judged according to their belief and actions. Ahmediyya and those who believe in any other false Prophet beside the last Prophet (pbuh) is in Kufr (dis-belief).

    "The tribe of Israel was guided by prophets. When a prophet passed away, another succeeded him. But NO PROPHET will come after me; only caliphs will succeed me." (Sahih Bukhari)

    "The Hour will not come ... until nearly thirty "dajjals" (liars) appear, each one claiming to be a messenger from Allah." (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

    In the sermon of our Beloved Prophet (pbuh) at Arafat, He said: O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur'an and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray.

  16. Because when they run away when a strong argument comes up,;...


    Every single MUSLIM sect has considered them Kafirs,

  17. "Both s**+'a and Sunni Ullam consider them as Kaffires!!"

    Likewise s**+'a and Sunni Ullam call each other Kafir too:)"

    Untrue. The orthodox position in Sunnism is that Shias are Muslims   (thats why they are allowed to do Hajj) albeit not orthodox

    Likewise I believe Shias consider Sunnis Muslims.

    Both agree that Qadianis are Kafirs in the same way they agree Skhs or Bahais or whoever else says there is a prophet after the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wasalaam) is. There is absolute IJMA on the kufr of the Qadianis - whereas amongst shia and sunni its only extremists who declare the other kafir

    Qadianis cant go on Hajj!!

    Because they ARENT muslim!

  18. Mirza Qadiani says:

    "'Muhammadur Rasoolullah wal lazeena m'ahoo, ashiddao 'ala alkuffare rohamao bainahum' in this revelation God has named me Mohammed and Messenger as well."

    (Roohani Khazain vol. 18 p.207)

    Mirza Qadiani said: "Holy Prophet has two advents or in other words you can say that in one Buroozi way coming again of Holy Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him) was promised which has been fulfilled by the appearance of Promised Messiah and Promised Mahdi."

    (Roohani Khazain vol. 17 p.249)

    "I have said several times that according to the verse (of Holy Quran) 'wa akhareena minhum lamma yalhaqoo behim' as Burooz I am the same Prophet, the Khatamul Anbiyyah, and 20 years ago God named me Mohammed and Ahmad in Braheen-e-Qadianism and declared me His Being."

    (Aik ghalti ka azala, Roohani Khazain vol. 18 p.212)

    "The entity of the promised Masih (Mirza), in the sight of Allah is the entity of the Holy Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him). In other words, in the records of Allah there is no duality or difference between the promised Masih and the holy Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him). Rather they both share the same eminence, the same rank, the same status and the same name. Although verbally they are two, yet in reality they are one and the same". (Al-Fazl, Qadian, vol.3, No.37, dated 16th September 1915, as cited in Qadiani Mazhab page 207, 9th edition, Lahore)

    After Reading The Above I have NO Problem Judging That QadYanis are Non-Muslims !

  19. Allah is the Best Judge.

    They do not bother me

    Wahhabis call me Kafir so it is my duty to expose them

    Wahhabis are followers of Iblees.


    Most Sunni and Shia Ullmas are not good educated.

    Most are Mullahs just as a profession. They make money by exploiting.

  20. agree with 1st answer

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