
Why Do Married Men Court, The Other Woman?

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I understand that when a married man cheats, he's primarily cheating for the s*x, the passion or the newness of the situation, but why does he court the other woman?

Why does he call her every morning, send her flowers, and take her to meet his friends, knowing she's just his side piece? If that's understood then why is he trying to so hard to win the affections of a woman who's willing to be his side piece?

I understand he may be trying to keep her his side piece, but she'll never be unaware of the fact that he's married? So why court her? If he's so romantic and so into doing those types of things why doesn't he just put all of that into sustaining his marriage?




  1. Right, a man couldn't possibly feel genuine feelings for a woman he's not married to.  In fact, once a man gets married he stays madly in love with his wife for the rest of his life.  If he cheats, it's only and strictly for s*x, because, as we all know, men are desperate for s*x.  They can't get it anywhere.  s*x, even for grown men, is the main objective in whatever he does.  It's his main driving point.  

    Freakin' sheeple.

  2. He probably kisses *** so she doesnt run off and tell his wife!

  3. You need a wake up call. Marriage blows. It gets boring to be with the same person after years and years. I know. I've been with someone for three years and I'm already getting ******* bored.

    And he only courts the woman because that's how you get women to put out. Duh. You can't just walk up to women and be like "Hey, wanna do it?" She'd have to be a hooker or something. Besides, most guys don't want a hooker type woman. They want a sultry s**t that's a challenge. Men are out for the hunt. There's no passion in this. Just the thought of putting your p***s in a fresh, probably younger more moist v****a.

    true story.

  4. That question hits close to home. I know what your talking about and you've got to wonder what the h**l the guy is thinking. In the end though I believe that people need other people in our lives and even though what the guy might be doing is wrong, he probably doesn't realize it. If he does then he's morally corrupt. People do stupid things and make mistakes, we're all human. No one can really explain what the other person does or why they do it. There is no simple solution to marital problems and if a man thinks another woman is going to fix that, then he's in for a rude awakening.  


  6. cause its having the relationship with out all the mess.  Only the good stuff.  fantasy life.

    thats why it usually goes bad when the other woman wants him to step up.  Oh oo, real life. so he dumps her

  7. In some marriages, couples loose that feeling of sweet romantic dating. Marriage for a lot of people is about love and security, not about spontaneity and passion. He probably likes being sweet, romantic, and see this side girl smile and laugh, but he also on some level loves his wife, and the life they have, but some reason doesn't feel he can be that other guy with his wife, so he picks up a girlfriend. She's with him when he wants, and gone when he wants. It's sad, but common.

  8. In the old days, men had wives and concubines. Maybe he wants her to be one of his concubines.

  9. DESIRE,

    Because she reciprocates his actions with DESIRE.  Men NEED to be wanted and needed by their partner.  If you ask most cheating husbands what did it for them, they will tell you DESIRE.  The other woman wanted and desired them and SHE LET HIM KNOW IT.

    Wives on the other hand may in fact want, need, and desire their husband, but they don't say or most importantly show it.

  10. I have the right answer for that question!!  Here it is!!  Because that man does not know Jesus and does not conduct himself in a way that shows so!!! Unfortunatley all men at times let their p***s control their brain!!! What they do with it, is another story.  God will always give a way out of any temptation, but these man ignore it!!! It's pure sadness and stupidity.  Along with selfishness and deceit!!!  I think they need prayer!!!  

  11. His wife will hurt you

  12. you have to pay to lay

  13. cause the old crow no longer goes for all that courting business..  so the new girl is head over heals for it...   I would bring her around to meet certain groups of friends, not the ones my wife hangs in....  I do it cause it makes her feel special.... makes her feel like a part of my life..  

  14. I think they court the other woman to keep her around and keep her interested.  If they didn't do things to make the woman feel loved, she would just feel used and get tired of playing the game.  Once the man finds a woman who is willing to be his side piece, he doesn't want to let her go.  When the man feels her pulling away, he will do something romantic to pull her back in.  And sometimes a guy wants to show off his mistress to his friends because they won't judge him for it, but they will think he's "the man".   Plus it makes the mistress feel included in his life.  

  15. no offence but, this has been going on for years.

    On the other hand they should think on the diseases they will be bring home or even the other party.

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