
Why Do My Fingers turn Black?

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Why Do My Fingers Turn Black When Iv''e been playing Guitar for a few Hours?...




  1. This is in the wrong section.  It should be in music instruments maybe.

    But since you're here you may as well have a good joke or two.


    A man walks into a bar one night. He goes up to the bar and asks for a beer.

    "Certainly, sir, that'll be 1 cent."

    "One penny?!" exclaimed the guy.

    The barman replied, "Yes."

    So, the guy glances over at the menu, and he asks, "Could I have a nice juicy T-bone steak, with fries, peas, and a salad?"

    "Certainly sir," replies the bartender, "but all that comes to real money."

    "How much money?" inquires the guy.

    "Four cents," he replies.

    "Four cents?!" exclaims the guy. "Where's the guy who owns this place?"

    The barman replies, "Upstairs with my wife."

    The guy says, "What's he doing with your wife?"

    The bartender replies, "Same as what I'm doing to his business."


    A blonde was driving down a highway and all of a sudden a cop sitting on the road side turns on his flashing red lights. The blonde seeing the red lights pulls over to the side of the road and waits for the cop.

    When the cop gets there he says to the blonde, "Lady you were doing 43 miles per hour in a 30 mile an hour zone."

    The blonde says, "No I wasn't. The sign back there said 43."

    To this the cop snaps back, "Lady, look ... that was a highway number sign, this is highway 43 and your doing 43 miles an hour in a 30 mile an hour zone."

    The blonde repeats her story again claiming she was not speeding. The cop scratches his head and returns to his car to ask his bald partner what he should do.

    After telling his bald partner the story, his partner says, "Bill, you better give her a ticket. The 401 is just up ahead and then we'll never catch her."


    First grade . . . true story.

    One day the first grade teacher was reading the story of Chicken Licken to her class. She came to the part of the story where Chicken Licken tried to warn the farmer. She read, " . . . and so Chicken Licken went up to the farmer and said, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"

    The teacher paused, and then asked the class, "And what do you think that farmer said?"

    One little girl raised her hand and said, "I think he said: "Holy sh*t! A talking chicken!"

    The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.


  2. cause you touch your bum hole

  3. Is this a riddle or is this medical?

  4. ur skin is black?

  5. you play too much...i play ps3 with just  a sixaxis and my fingers get sore and red and sometimes purple...i just take a break for a few hours or maybe even a day sometimes and  they are fine the next day.

  6. r u a beginner?

    Well, then they're supposed to hurt, then you get used to it and can't feel it anymore

  7. Probably, you need to fix your instrument...

  8. You've been working them to hard. They're obviously bruised and irritated. If possible, try taking a break from the guitar for a while. If that doesn't work, get some cream on it.

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