
Why Do People Buy Large Powerful Dogs Like Pit Bulls, Dobermans, And Other Potentially Dangerous Dogs?

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I know what some of you people are going to say. 'It's not the dogs, it's the how they're raised by the owners.'

Well, it might be true that some small dogs are more aggressive, and that many of the stereotypical "mean dogs" can actually be friendly pets. So, I understand that many Pit Bulls are raised to be friendly animals, and never harm anyone.

That said, I don't know why people have to get these kinds of dogs in the first place. As if there aren't any alternative, less volatile breeds....

My question is, why are people drawn to buy dogs that have the physical strength, and potential to kill people?




  1. Well my dogs have the physical strength but then again I cannot see a bunch of Jack Russels pulling me around on a rig now can you?

    But I know what you mean, a lot of people have these kind of dogs and simply not train them.

  2. Why not?

    You yourself said you know what we are going to say, and its true. The way you raise a dog has everything to do with the way they behave.

    By your reasoning, if we shouldnt have pets which have the potential to kill you, does that mean everyone who has horses and ponies should get rid of them? A kick to the head could kill a human.

    And a small dog could kill you easily. If it was to get hold of your throat, it could tear it out with those little sharp teeth if it wanted to.

    I read once about someone who almost died because they got bitten by a guinea pig! It bit her wrist and severed a main artery. So should people get rid of theri guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, hamsters???

    Cats can kill, they can inflict nasty bites which can become infected, give you blood poisoning and kill humans if not treated.

    Anyone who keeps cows, llamas, goats, sheep etc should get rid of them??

    ALL of these animals and more have the potential to kill a human.

  3. Oh my.. gotta love it. So I'm not even gonna go into how I disagree, love those dogs, blah blah blah. I do.. But I'm pretty sure the only reason you'd post a question like that here would be to get all the dog-lovers into an uproar. You probably own all of the above mentioned breeds ;) So well done you're a good troll haha.

  4. well, for me, ive always LOVED big dogs. my family isnt the typical korean family that only has malteses, shih tzus, etc., my mom and dad grew up with dogs like german shepherds, mastiffs, and other big dogs, so in turn, ive grown up with saint bernards, bernese mountain dogs, etc. the only medium sized dog ive had is the korean jindo. and jindos only have a bad reputation because people dont train them properly, which causes them to be aggressive with both other dogs and strangers. and personally, i cant stand those little tiny yappy dogs. big dogs just have an altogether well rounded personality and are more family oriented, etc--but that's just me.

    however, with me, because i have such big dogs (currently the only big dog that i have is a saint bernard), i make sure they get the proper training and i make the effort to make them good dogs. currently, the only danger that my saint can inflict upon another person is that sometimes she jumps on people as a greeting or she could easily knock over a little kid in her excitement of making a new friend. although she is SUPER friendly, my saint still protects us and lunges out when there is rough play, etc. involving a family member.

    when i had a bernese mountain dog, i knew that she could pose as a potential threat because she was VERY protective of me and my family. so one wrong move by a non-family member would cause her to lunge and growl. she never bit, as she knew not to do that unless she needed to, but she would lunge, growl, grab clothes, etc. however, she stopped when we told her to.

    my other big dogs posed as a threat only when family was in danger, or if their tail slapped someone's thigh, etc.

    i am also able to COMPLETELY trust all my dogs, because i know they have received good training and they know right vs. wrong.

    luckily, since i know my dogs perfectly, i can sense what their every movement, feelings, etc. will be. so because i know this, i can easily control them because i know what they will do next.

    and i completely understand that many people are scared of big dogs or dogs in general. so in that case, i baby gate my dogs in the family room where they cant scare the person or i put the dog on my side that is farthest from the person. etc.....

    any dog can be dangerous if they dont get love and the right training, especially big dogs because of their size and strength. there are many people who arent like this and dont train their big dogs, only wanting them as gaurd dogs, etc. its very cruel and these dogs end up becoming dangerous as they do not have training nor have received love. yet, many of these neglected dogs have wonderful personalities and remain very sweet despite their troubles. BUT i cant really speak for these people--i can only speak for myself.

    but i hope my answer provided some help & made sense.

  5. People buy these types of dogs b/c they love them! The best dog I've ever had is a pitbull. He's possibly the most gentle dog too! My pitbull Dude is very sweet. He will run up to anyone and give them kisses and is a very well behaved dog!!! Don't blame the breed for their bad names....blame those who raise them! It's the owners who are irresponsible and treat their dogs with cruelty so they begin to attack others. I've housed a puppy from pitbull rescue who was rescued from a home that used their dogs and would breed them for dog fighting! This poor little girl was very aggressive but it was only b/c of the way her owners had treated her. She stayed with us till she was adopted and by the time she left she was no longer trying to bite other dogs and became less food aggressive!  

  6. Why do people eat the c**p that the media feeds them hook, line, and sinker?

    Pit bulls are DOG aggressive. And when they fight, they win. They're terriers, so they're scrappy, and they're good. They're also extremely territorial and will protect their pack to the death, which is why they're so popular among drug dealers. Great way to slow down a raid.

    They aren't bullets, where the slightest tap will set them off to kill the first thing they see. I am the proud owner of a pit. People do tend to jump back when they first see her, but quickly realize how sweet she is.

    And be careful of statistics. They can be skewed to anyone's advantage if you know what you're doing. Like the way many of these reports are phrased. "Reported" dog bites. Because who's gonna cal the dog warden if they're attacked by a Pomeranian? I'll allow that if and when a pit strikes, it will do more damage than a pommie, but they don't attack any more than anyone else.

    Asia (my baby) has been with a professional trainer, and responds to me beautifully. Yeah, if you chain a dog to a stake and feed it once every three days and only let it out to unleash it's frustration on other dogs it's going to behave like an a*****e. Wouldn't you?

    Did you know the dog from the lil rascals was a pit bull? Or that Teddy Roosevelt's family dog was a pit bull?

    They are beautiful, misunderstood creatures. I got mine quite by accident, and it's the best "mistake" I ever made.

    My best friend in high school had a Rott. HUGE. Biggest effing dork I've ever met. Lo-oves to l**k you if you'll only hold still long enough. But yeah, if you try to break in, you'll likely get what's coming to you.

    The sensational meida does a great job of making things appear a certain way. They had us thinking ole GW was a good president, didn't they? lol

    Do your research, and stop being a biggot

  7. I LOVE Dobermans and have always owned one since my first dog.

    I am drawn to them and NOT because of any of the reasons you

    have listed above, but most probably because of the deep love I

    had for my first one. I think that they are so beautiful, and smart!

    My dogs have never been raised to attack, though they might if

    someone tries to hurt or attack me, so that is not a bad trait or

    does it make them bad. I do feel more protected with my dog

    by my side, being a single mom living on her own, so I can only

    find that as a plus. Though my dog originally came from a rescue

    where he had been taken after being found totally neglected and

    abused, about to be put down when he was a only a puppy, he is

    an amazing, smart and loving dog that I was blessed to be brought

    to, and he has so much love and intelligence, I was lucky to get him.

    So please try to see them in another light, and know just because

    they may be big, that only means they have more love to give!

    There are some who only see and get them to be mean and they

    usually give them nothing but a unloved and no attention life, and

    they naturally become 'just mean', just as a human would under the

    same circumstances. But do not think all are the same or unable

    to be good loving dogs who show amazing unconditional love!

  8. Probably the same as I had the desire to buy what is stereotyped as being mean, nasty, yappy aggressive impossible to train Chihuahua's. Because they liked the breed and wanted to prove those who like to stereotype wrong. My 4 are gentle, loving, quiet and very well trained in all ways. Even my 13 week old pup is better behaved than many adult dogs.

    It is all up to the person who owns them. I know for sure I would trust the wonderful Pit bull that lives across the road from me much more than I would have ever trusted the nasty Jack Russel that used to live down the street. That does not mean that all Jack Russel's are nasty. Just this one was not trained so like any untrained dog it ran wild.

    You answered your own question when you said 'It's not the dogs, it's the how they're raised by the owners.' Somer dogs are unstable hence nasty. It's not the breed though. It's the individual dog in those cases.

  9. I'm gonna guess that you didn't see the survey a few months ago that showed smaller dogs are often more aggressive than larger dogs? That being said, its nothing more than a stereotype that bigger = badder. Think of it as a person, I guess. You see two people - a big, goofy, lovable oaf named Bubba (my GSD mix comes to mind) and then you see a scrawny twitchy guy who seems about as stable as a kid on crack named Bob (think chihuahua or minpin or something like that). And based on what you're saying, Bubba would be more threatening to you than Bob simply because Bubba is bigger and stronger-nevermind the fact that Bob has the potential to go crazy and all Charles Manson-ish.

    But then again, it all comes down to training and temperament and personality. You can train a dog to be aggressive, or at least bring out that nature in it. Then, of course anything can become dangerous once you p**s it off enough or threaten it. Ever seen an angry hamster? Or a ferret?  

  10. any dog can be dangerous if not trained properly

  11. Ok first of all people like you p**s me off....

    I worked in a vets office for five years. I have been bitten several times. And the only dogs that bit me were little toy dogs. Poodles, Yorkies, etc. Just because people have used the breed to fight doesn't mean it is in their blood. I mean come on. I just cant stand uneducated people who think you shouldn't get a pit bull because they may kill someone. Well a lab, Dalmatian, or even a smaller dog can do just as much harm.  

  12. It's their choice

  13. The physical characteristics of a dog are not to be blamed. I do find it a shame that dog ignorant people are allowed to own a dogs in general, but do find it especially disturbing when dogs that could be potentially harmful to other dogs, creatures and people are owned by these people.

    There is a level of education around dogs that is simply lacking. Most dog owners refuse to educate themselves and to take the time necessary to bring up a well rounded dog.

    In essence, the answer to this question in my eyes is simple. People want what they want. If they have the means to get what they want they will get it. The part that causes a problem is that people don’t seem to evaluate the level of responsibility and/or the consequences of their actions.

  14. My dad believes there's nothing prettier in the world than a tan and white pit bull.  It's the dog he grew up around, and as a boy the dog he loved.  Just like my husband thinks a greyhound is beautiful.  Is there any other reason?  

    Me, my next dog will more than likely be a pit bull simply because of the negative raps they get, and because I love the square head when it nuzzles into your lap so you can hug them.  

  15. to keep people out of their land. to scare people.

  16. There was an elderly woman who was seriously injured in the neighborhood when two chihuahuas who regularly pushed out of their poorly secured gate attacked her and bit her shins and ankles down to the bone.  This scarred her emotionally and physically and almost killed her. There are a few cases that are documented where Pomeranians killed infants. There are many cases of serious injury and maulings by Labrador Retriever, but this breed is assumed "safe".

    Aggression towards humans is an undesirable trait in APBT's.  

    A person considering owning a powerful animal should be prepared to handle and train it appropriately and they should not breed a people aggressive dog or harbor it if it can't be rehabbed  while in their care.  

    Because some people own certain breeds as an ego extension, putting huge chains on their necks or teasing them or abusing them and making them mean- communities are starting to penalizing aggressive and uncontrolled dogs regardless of breed rather than via breed specific legislation.

    There was a major reversal recently in The Netherlands, perhaps the first country to ban Pit Bulls over 15 yrs ago.  After serious studies by professionals they found that maulings did not decline with the enforced elimination/banning of the breed so they now allow APBT's and other breeds commonly referred to as "Pit Bulls" to be owned by their citizens, again.  That was an intelligent decision not based in knee jerk reaction to sensationalized and oftentimes inaccurate reporting of attacks by any breed having short hair or strong build.  In Italy, I've heard Border Collies are banned. Where does this end? In Germany, there are several breeds where people have to mark their doors with a red sign to warn people that those dogs live there.  Yet they haven't done this to German Shepherds.  Could you imagine Germany banning German Shepherds?

  17. I believe these same individuals you are talking about are insecure individuals who look to an animal with powerful features and powerful demeanors to make them feel secure with themselves.  These same individuals are the same dog owners that ruin these type of dog breeds through their irresposible ownership and lack of knowledge on how to fullfill these breeds.  If you have the proper experience and knowledge about these dog breeds you should never have an issue with them becoming dangerous.  I own a rottweiler and a pitbull because I love the breeds.  I would never do anything to allow these dogs to become aggressive toward animals or people.  Since they were puppies they've have been socialized with dogs, adults and children.  In fact I have a three year old and an eight year old in the house who feed the dogs and assist me with training and correcting them when the time is necessary. My dogs have never been allowed to bark or become aggressively focused on a human or animal.  My dogs see me and the other members of the family as the leaders in a pack that they are a part of.  I do not humanize my dogs but rather I fullfill their needs (exercise, leadership, training, discipline, emotional needs) as dogs.  These types of dogs need plenty of exercise, which they receive in the morning and the evening for approximately two hours each time.  When you see any dog especially these dogs pulling their owner down the street on a leash..guess who the leader is and guess who makes decisions when it comes to the dog.  These dogs weren't born dangerous, peoples insecurities and ignorance has made them dangerous.  If I could provide any advice to all dog owners don't humanize or baby your dog.  They don't want to be human, they want to be dogs.  If you truly love your dogs fullfill their needs before you fullfill your emotional needs.  Great question, I hope my answer was of some assistance.

  18. I have owned Doberman Pinschers for over 26+ years & none of them have ever bitten anyone let alone killed somebody.

    ALL Pits & Dobermans are not vicious.

    As a matter of fact there are more that are not than there is ones that are!!

  19. Why do you feel the need to make an uneducated, blatantly biased comment that you know is inaccurate?

  20. it doesn't matter what they are.maybe they wanted to save a life or maybe they just love that dog.does it really matter if the dog can hurt someone but never does?People have their own tastes in dogs and maybe they feel secure with those doggies.they probly aren't even drawn to their physical capability.they are drawn to the dog's personality and his or her lovingly puppy dog eyes.

  21. for the same reason they buy monster pick up trucks that are needed as PU trucks like once per year.

    perceived status.

  22. I think i get what you're trying to say - you want to know why people ge these large dogs and refuse to believe that they can be dangerous. Am i  right?

    A responsible owner would understand and admit that their dog (any breed, actually, though the bigger dogs can do more damage) can become dangerous. A responsible owner would also do anything in their power to prevent that - proper training, proper socialization, etc.

    Some breeds were bred for aggression, some for their determination,  and others for both. The APBT is a good example - until it became illegal, they were bred for their animal aggression and their tenacity/stubborness in the fighting ring and for bull baiting. It would be stupid to say "MY dog would never do that" when it is entirely possible that the inexperienced owner might not train/socialize their dogs properly: It could happen.

    Then you get to the lugheads that get the dogs simply because they are the most popular fighting/biting/aggressive breed and they absolutely NEED to have this dog so they "look cool." Needless to say, they do NOT properly train/socialize their dogs. It's sickening.

    But that doesn't mean the breed(s) should be banned or killed off. Who breeds and owns them should be regulated, definitely, but even that would be difficult. Any dog can do damage. If you aren't willing to admit it, then don't get one (especially not a big breed.) You ahve to be able to admit it to prevent it.

  23. Silly question really ... because any dog can kill someone ... Now come on you knew people were going to react like that ...  My baby was dumped off on a door step and I took him in and I haven't regretted it.......

  24. It IS the dogs, the majority of the time.  

    A well bred, stable dog who has been trained, is not dangerous, no matter what size they are.

  25. well i found that some small dogs are more aggressive but big dogs have the muscle to back it up

  26. I have 4 large German Shepherd Dogs. Yes, the breed has the potential to kill a person. That is not why I find the breed so appealing. They are beautiful, loyal, very intelligent and just a delight to be around. I have had other breed dogs but just always come back to the GSDs. Just a personal choice.

    By the way, what are some of the less volatile breeds you mentioned??

  27. Different people just like different "looks" in a dog.  Some people like long hair, short snouts, long legs, stand-up ears, droopy jowels.. long bodies.  Everything under the sun.  I tend to like the tall and lean type.  Some people like the stocky short haired pitbull-type.  It doesn't necessarily have a thing to do with the "large powerful potentiall dangerous" factor.  Some people find those types of dogs simply beautiful.

    Although there are a large number of people who want the breeds you mentioned for "protection" purposes, or because they want to intimidate people, or make up for something lacking in their manhood.  And those are the ones where the problem lies.

  28. You answered your own question.

    "Why are people drawn to buy dogs that have the physical strength, and potential to kill people?"

    "It might be true that some small dogs are more aggressive, and that many of the stereotypical 'mean dogs' can actually be friendly pets."

    People are "drawn" to buy dogs that have the physical strength to kill people because well-bred, well-socialized dogs of ANY size are NOT going to attack unprovoked.

    Simple as that.

    Edit: Food for thought: "Pit Bulls" and Dobermans aren't the only dogs that have the potential to kill - in fact, since the early 1900s there have only been a handful of dog attack fatalities in my state, and NONE of them include a "Pit Bull". So much for your "potentially dangerous dog" thesis.

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