
Why Do People Call Our Game AFL, we dont play australian football league?

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it annoys the c**p out of me, mainly from northerners of our country, when someone says "i play AFL" i usually ask who for, carlton, hawthorn, who.

i think it is a right to say you play 'in' the AFL.

the players that don't make it play 'aussie rules footy'

i have had my whinge, sorry all, those indians over in the cricket section are really p-ing us all off.

any thoughts on what i said, yes/no/maybe. whatever, come on quandry help a fella out.




  1. What happened to just saying "I play footy"?  Anyway the "footy" is just about to start so I'm off....

  2. It must be a northern thing coz I've never heard someone say I play AFL!!

    I agree with you chooka, I think you should say 'i play footy', coz everyone knows you are referring to the AFL!

    PS:  I once ventured into the Cricket section and answered one was followed by abusive emails and my answer wasnt even that bad!!  You guys are very

  3. It's ingrained in our youth these days.  I bought my nephew some boots last season and the girl at Rebel Sport said he can be like Chris Judd.  My nephew replied, "Who is Chris Judd"  She said he plays AFL, her favourite game.  My nephew told her that he doesn't like AFL and will never play it, not even for his school.

    So in the ACT, if you are a fan or not, it's called AFL.

    It can be local, Eastlake vs Queanbeyan, or AFL Swans vs Cats, it's still called AFL.

    That's just the way it is these days.

  4. lol nit picking is fun aint it

  5. Good point .

    I haven't heard anyone here say they play AFL unless they are in an actual AFL team.

    Local teams usually just say they play Aussie Rules or just Footy  which is the SANFL over here.

    I can see the reason for your thinking though, these guys must earn the right to say that they play AFL.

    BTW, I just checked out the cricket section! No wonder you're pis.sed off! what a bunch of whingers!!!

  6. i have always found that annoying too Thought i was just a bit of a n**i cause i always get annoyed when the wrong word/phrase is used in any situation.  Glad there are others.

    Also in regards to the cricket tri-series, why don't we bring back Australia 'a'? - then we could have an aus vs aus a tri series final every year. With less whinging!

  7. AFL here in America is American Football League (1960-70) or Arena Football League (present).

    I call it footy or Australian Rules Football. Most other Yanks still think that Australian Rules Football is rugby, NO, NO, NO.

    Most all Yanks think that Benny Graham, Saverio Rocca, Mat McBriar and Darren Bennett were all rugby players.

  8. Yeah. I say Aussie rules or footy. I right AFL cos its smaller but i dont really say i play it.

  9. It's Aussie Rules son.  Australian Football in most leagues but never AFL.  Best game on earth.  If you want to abbreviate it, call it 'FOOTY' but it isn't AFL.  I played 260 games in the NAFL, SAFL and MAFL (Newcastle, Sydney and Monaro) but my game was never AFL!!!  I only ever had (damp) dreams about playing AFL!! (Actually now I think about it, it was VFL when I was playing!!  Shows my age)

    Of course with the ex-wife it was called "oh you're off to frick around with your mates again are ya?  Oh Just grand!" But that's really hard to abbreviate! :-)

  10. Yes, it is frustrating over there at the moment, "kill the b******s" whoops did I type that out loud, lol, yes I think it is only the Northerners who say that, I've always referred to it as Aussie rules or footy.

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