
Why Do People Cheer Andy Murray @ Wimbledon?

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I hate the guy, he as to be one of the most arrogant/self centred PRICKS in tennis.

when he comes to wimbeldon next month, he will be wearing scottish colours and the MAJORITY of the english crowd will be cheering him on, WHYYYYYY? he already said he was anti-english 2 years ago.

don't get me wrong its not the fact i have a problem with him wearing scottish colours on the world stage, i'm a big fan of calzaghe and want him to win even though he never associates himself with britain and a union jack, i just can't stand this guy.





  1. Because they're tennis fans. The most arrogant/self centred/pointless people in existance.

  2. I'm with you 100%.. what a jerk!

    The sight of him just makes me sick, and the way he acts on court is disgraceful! I hope he goes out in the first round at Wimbledon , its what he deserves.

    The only reason people cheer for him is because hes the only Brit in the top 100, so they dont really have a choice.

    Did you see when he started an argument with Juan Martin del potro yesterday about something so stupid?

    He's just pathetic!

  3. And its because of that attitude that one day he will probably win .

    Yes he is an arrogant @rse but I don't care I just want him to win .

    As for his feckin hair though............

  4. Yup, Murray has a bit of an attitude problem. It's not surprising that he and Brad Gilbert didn't last long. He's cocky (with little reason to be at this point), moody and ungracious to the crowds.

    However, last time I checked, Scotland was still part of the UK and I believe Murray trained with Brits, so there is some affiliation. Also, knowing the history of Scotland, some people may feel he has a right to his anti-English sentiments. But not everyone may want to join him in bringing his political war to tennis, so they ignore it and cheer him any way. Athletes can be great ambassadors for peace and reconciliation; he just has to learn that.

  5. because he's the only british player they believe could win wimbeldon someday. I mean it's true the tournament is played in England and Murray is scottish, but he's still british. There always going to support him no matter what he says, but I'm not worried becase Federer will win Wimby anyway.... LOL.

  6. He is British and they know Tim Henman will never win Wimbledon

  7. They don't have any other 'home town' male tennis players to cheer for.

  8. They love british losers.

  9. he's the only one they got.-

    it's been like forever since a english won wimbledon, so you gotta keep the faith, hehe.-

    i don't like murray either, roddick's winning wimbledon this year.-

  10. Because Scotland is a part of Great Britain.  He doesn't have to be pro-England to be a good Brit.  He was only against England in the World Cup, and that's because England and Scotland both competed as separate teams.  I'm from Northern California, and I sure as h**l would never cheer for a New York team, or a Southern California team for that matter.  That doesn't make me less of an American.

  11. You are complete and right!

    I do not like Murray either.  He makes much ego to the world and he is almost so bad.  I dislike that he vomit on the Courts and not discreet. Just BLAH like the frog. He is always complain and yelling. Many times swearing.

    I hope he lose today to Wawrinka.

  12. Murray is very arrogant. i had to work near him a few times and he is very very annoying. His brother is a little obnoxious, but not as bad. I think the English must be desperate!

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