
Why Do People Express Opinions When They Haven't Done Enough Research To Make An Intelligent Statement?

by  |  earlier

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Two types of research.

1. Thinking(internal)

2. External




  1. Most people don't form an opinion. They just agree with somebody else and rehash.

  2. Most people are sheep...

    Most people are lazy...

    Most people are followers...

    Most people are afraid to speak up...

    Most people don't know how to read and comprehend...

    The question is, what are you going to do about it?

  3. define intelligent?

  4. Sounds like YA peeps to me!

  5. This totally a question perfectly posed for those in "religion and spirituality".  My answer is "most people are what they are taught, not what they have learned."  Ignorance only breeds ignorance unless someone has the drive to validate what they are being taught.

    Shub-***? I think people rehash and form opinions off of what others say and again "not what they themselves have learned."

  6. are you looking for some one too agree or do you need sites to go look up things on the better nature of .... ,yet on the behalf of those who just jart something into this canyon of the unknown,they don't even know that so its a good thing you are here.

  7. Any opinion I would give regarding your question would be completely unresearched...therefore I won't opine.

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