
Why Do People Have Trouble Remembering Their Dreams?

by Guest64973  |  earlier

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Why Do People Have Trouble Remembering Their Dreams?




  1. there is a biological explanation!

    actually there are two kinds of sleep-

    Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and slow wave sleep!

    these two alternate with each other during our sleep...

    REM sleep is where there is active dreaming..During slow wave sleep though there is dreams we cant remember them due to lack of participation of the memory!

    for more info-google out REM sleep and SWS  

  2. Some people have no difficulty in remembering several dreams nightly, whereas others recall dreams only occasionally or not at all. Nearly everything that happens during sleep— including dreams, the thoughts which occur throughout the night and memories of brief awakenings—is forgotten by morning. There is something about the phenomenon of sleep itself which makes it difficult to remember what has occurred and most dreams are forgotten unless they are written down. Sometimes a dream is suddenly remembered later in the day or on another day, suggesting that the memory is not totally lost but for some reason is very hard to retrieve. Sleep and dreams  also are affected by a great variety of drugs and medications, including alcohol. Further, stopping certain medications suddenly may cause nightmares. It is advisable to discuss with your physician the effect of any drugs or medications you are taking.

  3. We're not really supposed to remember them. It can interfere with reality. Have you ever woke up and not realized something was a dream. crazy.

  4. because some people do not like their dreams that much or are too stressed to dream

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