
Why Do People Obey Dictators?

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Dictators depend on the support/obeying of their people. If everyone rebelled, they would not be able to exist. So why is it that dictators still exist and rule today? Why do people mindlessly obey?




  1. FEAR  ...that's what empowers dictators.people are too scared to rise against them.and takes a lot of courage to overcome them.

  2. Because fear controls the behavior of people who are weak and poor.  In the context of the U.S.,  your question explains why many of us feel the right to own and use guns is integral to freedom from a dictator's army of police enforcing laws mandating that the public wear a seat belt and not drive a car while using a cell phone.  Beware:  the enforcers of the affirmative action laws are facing armed resistance from the portion of the population who are not sheep to more and more laws and regulations in your country.


  3. Because the majority of dictators run a totalitarian society. They control their people through fear and suppression.

    These people are censored from outside influence, and if a group of people do rise up from the oppression they are either killed or beaten into submission.

    Take a look about the Tiananmen Square incident (where the Chinese man was run over by tanks when he refused to get out of the way)

    Edit: Also to boot, a lot of dictators that are "elected" into their positions run rigged elections. So a lot of their citizens feel powerless to bring about change.

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