
Why Do People Prefer their "partner" to shave their pubic hair?

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I'm just wondering because alot of my friends that shave complain about how it gets all rashy and bumpy and it grows back and prikaly and gross, so why shave?




  1. I never liked pulling hair out of my teeth and guess the woman don't like it either just go bald. Laser is a long term option.

  2. Men like see all , also use a wax or nair. Also they have a cream, i don't know the name but they say it stops rashes and bumps from happening.

  3. I have no idea. Why DO people like that? I wish my wife had a thicker bush. I was with a shaved girl once. It was all scratchy. yuck!

  4. I had no idea,people liked this, I prefer waxing and alot of females .I know go to the same place to get waxed and their nails done, I let no one shave this pus$y

  5. so you can sink your teeth into it

  6. Because it's pedofilicous!

  7. you will like to kiss your loved part

  8. Hows this related to dining question and yes I think a Bald Flower Looks Great and Plus it Feels allot better when it comes to pleasuring in that wonderful way.

  9. because no one likes to eat and floss at the same time. if someone doesnt want the rash... get some witch hazel and put on there right after shaving.

  10. I don't prefer it...I'll take it as it comes(hair or no hair)...I really don't mind either.However,a trimmed kitty is just fine with me-I like a bit of hair down there...I like the way it feels.

  11. I can ethically answer this b/c I'm married. I will not perform oral s*x on my wife unless she is shaved. I think that probably has alot to do with it for every other guy. It also just seems cleaner in general.

  12. Its bcos, it makes the person feels some feelings which it cannot b expressed in words, U try dat and feel dat.


  14. i live in rome, they say coz its more pleasant and exciting to see the human anatomy at its origin. Do you live in rome?

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