
Why Do People Take Stupid-Looking Myspace Pictures?

by  |  earlier

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What's up with all these kids and their stupid angled pictures? And their stupid cutesy facial expression with the pouty lips to the side? Or the contrived "surprised" look? And what about all those stupid sarcastic gang sign hand gestures? Why can't people take normal pictures anymore?




  1. Why don't you ask the people on myspace?

  2. i know i CANT STAND IT! uh, i sit there and get mad because they look so stupid but i feel bad saying anything to them.  

  3. to express there human self if they don't look stupid they're not stupid and if they make stupid pictures they are expressing there self in being stupid

    p.s you just have to understand some people  

  4. because normal is boring.

    kids want to stand out these days.

  5. Possibly because young people - and lots of older people - are not that comfortable having their photograph taken, so they feel they need to be DOING something when the button is pushed. It takes a fairly secure and self-assured person to just gaze calmly into a camera, particularly when the yahoo holding it is shouting, "Do something!"

    And as for the response along the lines of, "Kids these days want to be different...", well guess what kids wanted to be 20, 30 and 40 years ago?

  6. You need to understand people like that. People now-a-days don't want to stand out.. They want to fit in. Sometimes if they are doing a gang sign, it's because their gangster like that!

    LOL haha. But for real, some times.. people (like me) need to express themselves. That's how the whole thing started.

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