
Why Do People Think h**l Will Be Better Then Heaven?

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This question is longer the 1,000, so please wait for the second part in the edit before answering.

I really do not understand.

They talk/chat/post as if h**l is one big party were they will be with friends and family. They will be able to get drunk and stoned all they want, and have s*x all the time, and Heaven is just a bunch of snobs, each playing a harp on a cloud for ever.

Don’t they realize that they are not like this at all.

h**l is in total darkness. The fires of h**l give no light. The only way for this is if they are black flames, and that would be even hotter then the surface of the sun. (There has been a few seen when a solar flare was EXTREME)

Since the flames are black and give no light, the can not see who else is in there, the only thing they will be able to see is GOD(YHVH) throne in all HIS Glory.

The only things they will ever hear is the screams of others, and it will never end.

The only things they will ever feel is the heat and the worms crawling on and IN them.

They will still crave the drugs and alcohol and s*x, as they did in life, but will NEVER be able to satisfy the desire.




  1. First of all, have you been to Heaven and h**l? Do you have photos?


    I'd personally rather suffer through that then spend eternity worshiping a god that would condemn people to such horrible tortures just because they didn't believe in him.  

  2. h**l is going to be eternal burning, people are stupid if they think they're going to have fun in h**l. Read the bible. Heaven is going to be amazing.

  3. People "joke" a lot about h**l today, ... but no one will be laughing once they get there.

    "...for there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth..." - JESUS

  4. "The fires of h**l give no light" FIRE ALWAYS GIVES LIGHT "The only way for this is if they are black flames" THERE ARE NO BLACK FLAMES "and that would be even hotter then the surface of the sun" ...A sunspot is a region on the Sun's surface (photosphere) that is marked by a lower temperature than its surroundings... WHEN THE SUN LOOKS BLACK IS BECAUSE THE TEMPERATURE IS LOWER "the only thing they will be able to see is GOD(YHVH) throne in all HIS Glory." SO h**l HAS NO ROOF "In Heaven, everyone will be farmers" SO THE FARMERS WILL JUST HAVE TO KEEP HANDLING MANURE "There will be no worry about weeds, insects, droughts, floods, or other things that hurt farms and gardens now." MANURE IS HARMLESS "The streets will be pure gold, clear as glass" PURE GOLD IS CLEAR AS GLASS? "The animals will all be tame (a 2 year old kid could have a pet T-rex)" THAT WILL FREAK OUT THE KID

  5. You give very detailed descriptions of places that nobody has ever been. How? You extrapolate from a few verses in the bible. WAKE UP!!  

  6. Those that hate the truth will love the lie.

    When you reject truth the only thing that remains is that which is false.

    Some choose one falsehood, some another.

    That's the nice thing about the lie - it is so malleable.

  7. I don't have to wait for the second part to answer this question, it's really simple.

    When people think of Heaven, they think "That's where all of the 'good' people go." so naturally it's going to seem like a boring place.

    Meanwhile all of the 'bad' people go to h**l, such as the lustful, gluttonous, et cetera. So naturally they'll think it's one big party.

    And heck, most people who believe in Heaven and h**l in the first place, want nothing to do with h**l and don't believe that.

    I've never heard anyone say, "I'd rather go to h**l!" before.

  8. If there is a h**l there won't be any sanctimonious bullying Christians!

    Worth anything,that!!!


  9. They laugh at going to h**l because they don't believe they will be judged after death.

    As Psalm  53:1 says...The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

    At the Great White Throne of Judgment there are no Athiests.

  10. we have an expert in our midst!

    tell me, how many times have you been to h**l to be able to describe it so vividly? wow you must have a buddy-buddy thing goin on with the commandant down there? tell me, ive always wondered......does he have a lil forked tail and a trident?  

  11. I don't believe in h**l or heaven because there is no evidence that either one exists.

    If h**l actually did exist I'd rather go there than worship an egotistical tyrant. I can't imagine enjoying myself while my loved ones (along with billions of other nonchristians) are suffering for eternity. The christian heaven sounds a lot like h**l to me.  

  12. Think you are talking about us atheists. We don't believe in h**l  so we make it seem like a party. People are always telling us we are going to h**l and we just make it a joke.

    Christians fear h**l, not atheists.

  13. Because that's where all the wild s**y swingers will go, and all the old dead priest and praying beggars will go to heaven to with a bearded guy wearing white Iraqi robes for the rest of eternity.  Are you kidding who wants to go to heaven when you can go to h**l?

  14. they just believe lies....h** breathing!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. It's just general ignorance.  Most people believe that h**l would be a lot worse than heaven.  Some people might be insecure about where they're headed in the afterlife, so they rationalize away their fear of h**l.

  16. Because there's free pot down there?

  17. Don't forget about the cars that run on daydreams or the little magic fairies that warm up the bedsheets for you.

    Were you even paying attention to what you were saying? I can't believe you took the time to type all this out...I don't even want the 10 points.

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