
Why Do People Write Sick Comments In Online Condolences?

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In the facebook entry for that poor lad who was knifed to death then beheaded someone has written "don't lose your head"!?!? Why are people so sick?




  1. There are a lot of twisted people in the world who think if it doesn't affect them personally then it is okay to mock. Never mind the fact that his family and friends may read that.  

  2. They are kind of funny.  

  3. Euugh that is DISGUSTING. So insensitive

    My heart goes out to the victim and his family and friends :( What a grisly end :(

  4. Sick d*ckheads, but apparently the thumbs downers agree with them

  5. There are a lot of sick people in this world. People who can be so unfeeling and inappropriate are perhaps in the same league as the murderer.

    It is a large question.

  6. they truly are sick in the d**n head and it's ppl like this that worry the c**p out of me, if my daughters bring home some idiot like that i'll lock them up till the day they die, sick fookers

  7. Because they are actually really incredibly stupid and they actually think writing stuff like that makes them appear intelligent or credible in some way, probably and ironically because they are so unbelievably dumb. Either that or they suffer from some sort of sociopathy.  

  8. reminds me of certain people, when  a posters daughter died. that was also pretty sick!  

  9. It is like when they see a person in wheelchair with no legs the comment is always They are legless

  10. Because they have the security of being nameless, faceless and completely unaccountable! Cowards!

  11. Wrong information always shown by the media

    Negative images is the main criteria

    Infecting young minds faster than bacteria

    Kids wanna act like they see in the cinema

    Whatever happened to the values of humanity

    Whatever happened to the fairness and equality

    Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity

    Lack of understanding leading us away from unity

    That's the reason why sometimes I'm feeling under

    Thats the reason why sometimes I'm feeling down

    No wonder why sometimes I'm feeling under

    Gotta keep my faith alive till love is found

    Now ask yourself

    Where is the love

  12. Hi I have just finished reading your link on this young man I must say this is the worst thing that I have every read, this person must be insane, didn't see the comment, it must have got deleted thank god. it would have been awful for his relatives to have seen this, as you say some very sick people around.

  13. The people who write this c**p are the one's who require a close watch, they maybe the next killer in the news.

  14. Well in my opinion it all comes from our throw away society. The example you have used could come striaght out of a hollywood film. I think people become desensitised to it. They kinda live outside reality. We all know one punch to the head can kill someone but when you look at hollywood it takes about 20 punches to kill someone. I honestly think sometimes our youth has lost touch with reality.  

  15. As the saying goes it takes all sorts to make the world.

  16. they are a disgrace, a thundering disgrace to humanity. I suppose someone was thinking I will make this a condolences for the family and these feckless twits do that. At least thank god one person has put something nice on his myspace page that is something to be thankful too.

    someone said earlier today facebook is full of chavs I am beginning to think he was wrong on that it seems to be full of feckless squirmy s***s. sorry about the language.  

  17. The answer is simple ... not everyone grows up.  

  18. Because the posters are sick

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